Chapter 98 Thirst

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Lin Qiao took the initiative to reconcile, Chen He finally heaved a sigh of relief, and rolled into Lin Qiao's arms, imitating his son's acting like a baby in his arms just now. It's really... It's a test of self-control, so cute, it's so cool to be held there by the wife, kissed and gnawed.

Lin Qiao hasn't touched his wife for half a month. Now being treated like this, the body has already started to heat up. It's a pity that because the son couldn't solve it on the spot in the crib, the indescribable part was even more swollen and painful, which made him gasp: "Daughter-in-law, you did it on purpose." Lin Qiao's eyes were almost burning red. The scorching heat in those eyes almost melted Chen He.

Lin Qiao has always been the manipulator of bed rules, and has never been forced to this point. Some physical tears flowed from his eyes. Sliding down the resolute face, there is a kind of advanced sexiness. The radian of the raised neck is very delicious.

Seeing him like this, Chen He was also a little distracted, his movements and panting undoubtedly encouraged Chen He. He went up and bit his neck, leaving a red tooth mark. Lin Qiao let out a muffled snort and was about to go mad. Chen He was a little embarrassed when he saw the tooth sound, and licked it lightly with his tongue. Lin Qiao immediately got up and pressed him there: "Tell me, are you a goblin who specializes in sucking human energy, where is my wife?"

Chen He's face turned red, and he refused to answer his shameful question.

It's really bad, Lin Qiao will go crazy as long as he smells the faint fragrance of green grass from his wife. I got up and coughed lightly, and said in a rough voice: "I... I'm going out!" But I thought in my heart, I haven't fed this guy for so many days, it really won't work, and I plan to secretly study the erotic map last time !

Lin Qiao walked hurriedly, but Chen He could clearly see his stagger and red face. Coupled with the fact that there was still a bruise next to his eyes, Chen He also blushed and panted when he got up from the bed. Waiting for the panting assessment, he took his son out of the crib and said, "Son, how about you sleep with your uncle today?" "


"Mother will hold you tomorrow."

Xiao Lin Siyuan stretched out his neck and kissed his mother on the mouth, and kicked his legs excitedly after he succeeded.

Chen He thought of what someone said, this child is imitating adults, this Lin Qiao really didn't teach well. Said: "Son, you can't just kiss other people's mouth, only those who love can touch here." "

Ah." Xiao Lin Siyuan shouted loudly.

Chen He stroked his little head and said with a smile, "Good son."


Qiao came out of the house, and within a few steps, someone hit him on the shoulder with a stone and raised his head to look. It was Feng'er sitting on the high courtyard wall swinging his legs. Seeing Lin Qiao come out, he jumped down from the high wall and said, "You have finally come out. When will our plan be implemented?" As long as it can make the Su family suffer, he can't wait. But when he got closer, he realized that there was something strange about Lin Qiao. Taking a closer look at his blue eye sockets and the red corners of his mouth, he looked like he had been hit by someone: "What's wrong?

" .

Seeing his sweet face, Feng'er shuddered to think that when he visited the kiln, he heard that some customers like to be whipped because of their eccentric personality. ..."

Lin Qiao thought that he had discovered the sweetness in his heart, so he was a little shy and said: "It's not bad.

" What has changed.

While Lin Qiao was talking with Feng'er, he saw Su's carriage approaching again from a distance. And they came straight to Lin Qiao's house. Seeing this, Feng'er said: "I'll leave first," people like him like to lurk in inconspicuous corners the most. It would be uncomfortable to stand in front of people.

What he saw was Su Zhong, who came last time, and said, "My lord, please." He insisted on inviting Lin Qiao to Su's mansion for a gathering.

Su Yue was not interested in Lin Qiao at first, but when Lin Qiao rejected him, he was immediately impressed. He also heard that the bank sent him to guard the darts, saying that he was the one who released the news of the gold and silver there, so he met a lot of robbers along the way. I thought he would die on the road, but I didn't expect the matter to be done for him. This made Su Yue think again and asked Su Zhong to invite him.

After Lin Qiao left, Su Yue was still very polite this time, and said with a smile: "It was a misunderstanding last time, I really appreciate you .


I even went to your house to make a fuss. It was my elder brother's fault. I'm really sorry for you. I'll definitely scold her when I go back. She's still a child, and she's been pampered since she was a child. She's a bit clueless. Please take me back I apologize to Madam." Su Yue was very arrogant, and it was not easy to speak softly in such a low voice.

Lin Qiao had no choice but to come down and say, "It's okay."

"You can think about what you said last time. If you don't want to join my Su family, you can discuss it separately. I really lack someone who can help me." .I feel good when I see you." Su Yue expressed his thirst for talents.

Lin Qiao just smiled and didn't speak. From Su Yue's point of view, his appearance was unfathomable, and he finally knew why he had a special temperament. The same words only need to say a third of others, and others would like to nod and agree immediately, but he can't hold back. He doesn't have a bargaining chip in his hand yet, and he can stabilize his position in the negotiation. Such a person is the talent of a general in the mall, and it would be great if he could take it for his own use.

In fact, Su Yue has already given him extraordinary decency. If it wasn't for him to do the same thing in front of the face and the other behind the back, Lin Qiao might really think about it. It's okay for a person to go to a high place and use his strength to go up to Qingyun. OK But he didn't leave a good impression on Lin Qiao. Now that he can say that, it will be another set of rhetoric when he turns his face. The difference between words and deeds makes it difficult to have a sense of trust.

Lin Qiao stayed here for a while, mostly listening to what Su Yue was saying, and when he was leaving, Su Zhong took him to the path. Unexpectedly, I met Suning. She is very beautiful, and she is dressed in gold, silver or jade, and she has been waiting here for a long time: "I heard that I can't get married, so I am in a hurry to betray you?" The fishbone in the heart.

"I already have a wife and son. I really don't have Yanfu to marry her. I hope Miss can understand."

Su Ning saw him with a serious expression, which was very different from other people who would covet her when they saw her. Such a grand make-up was not worth mentioning in his eyes, not to mention the humiliating frustration in his heart. Suddenly he saw a red mark on his neck, which was very glaring: "What is that on your neck?" She Gritting your teeth!

Lin Qiao gently touched the tooth marks on his neck and said without hesitation: "My wife gnawed it."

Su Ning blushed and couldn't say a word for a while, until Lin Qiao left, she was still trembling with anger.

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