Chapter 12 Buying a Pig

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Lin Qiao was attacked at night. Although Chen He blushed, he was very resolute. Lin Qiao was stunned for a moment and then gave in. The two of them messed around for half a night, and Chen He was eaten clean from the inside out! The next day, I woke up after being exposed to the sun for three poles, with the sweetness of ripe peaches all over my body. After Lin Qiao tasted it, he couldn't stop, and always wandered around him.

"Are you still in pain?" When Chen He asked for the fifth time, he finally couldn't take it anymore, stood up and covered his mouth with red ears. Lin Qiao opened his eyes wide and looked at him, that innocent look he learned from his son.

Chen He couldn't bear to stare at him, and he lost after a while.

Lin Qiao hurriedly took the opportunity to offer courtesy: "Daughter-in-law, why were you so brave yesterday." Thinking of yesterday's vivacious look, he couldn't help swallowing.

Chen He also wanted to cry, but he didn't expect that he would pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger, and soon turned his back on the guest, and then vigorously grasped the sudden opportunity. It made his waist sore and limp, so he can only let this bad embryo run wild! The toes were all curled up: "Don't say it!"

"Daughter-in-law, are you hungry, can I make you some red bean paste buns?" It was red beans that were steamed and mashed into mud. Mixed with sugar, wrapped in white flour, it is soft, sweet and sandy when swallowed. You can eat one if you're not hungry!

I only made it once before being stopped by my mother-in-law, saying it was too extravagant. But that sweetness made a big impression!

"Yeah." Chen He nodded indiscriminately.

Lin Qiao turned around and went out, while Chen He fetched a basin of hot water. Wipe his body with a soft cloth dampened with water, and the exposed body can vaguely see how absurd yesterday was!

Lin Qiao steamed red bean paste buns outside, only made four and steamed them in a steamer, one for each person. Living in a new house is different. Everywhere is very spacious, and the mother-in-law has cared for her son these days. Give them both some privacy!

Thinking about it boredly. Suddenly someone outside shouted faintly: "Eggs for chickens, clang..."

Lin Qiao went out and saw a man pushing a cart. There was the sound of chickens chirping. The bright yellow and tender yellow are squeezed together.

There were already many women gathered there.


"Five eggs for one chicken."

"So expensive? This chicken is not easy to raise. If it dies, the five eggs will be gone." The woman was reluctant to part with two eggs. But I really like seeing the little yellow chicken!

This hawker comes every year. The time for chicks to break out of their shells is too short, and if only half of them live after raising ten chickens, it would be considered amazing. Everyone has been very cautious in raising them before! I heard that this little yellow chicken likes to eat millet the most, and he is still reluctant to eat the millet at home. Feed it to the chicken? Don't even think about it!

"Give me two! I want this, and that." The woman chose the two most pleasing ones. Looking at the tenacious vitality, maybe I can live a little longer!


"I'll change two too!" Said to the peddler: "Exchange two pullet hens for me."

The peddler boasted: "You are the best, the pullet will be able to lay eggs in the future, when the time comes, the chickens will lay eggs, and the eggs will be exchanged for chickens!" The praised woman People are even more like a flower, as if they have foreseen the future.

Someone bought it, and soon they all opened up. These women didn't hate Lin Qiao as much as before. He smiled and said, "Are you here to buy chicks too?"

"Yes." Lin Qiao said, "Exchange twenty chickens for me."

Oh, this is a big customer. The peddler immediately paid attention to it, and quickly looked up, but he didn't recognize it. He thought it was someone who had gone out to work before and came back so he couldn't be underestimated. That basket of eggs is really heavy! They are all exchanged with others these days, and they are kept to add food to the family. Did not expect to catch up with such a thing. Simply change them all!

Lin Qiao held the peddler's soil basket and said, "Do you only have chickens? Do you have anything else?" "

Yes, you have ducks and pigs. Do you want to raise them?"


"No change. Yes, I have money to buy! The ducklings cost fifteen cents a piece, and the breed is a high-quality shelduck duck. I'm not sure about the price of the piglets a day. Anyway, it's about two hundred to five hundred yuan!" Now it's too chaotic outside , There is not even enough food for humans, so where can we feed pigs? Fewer people raise pigs, and the price of piglets has been rising all the way.

"Ah! Then catch five ducks and three piglets for me."

"Hey..." The man agreed with a full mouth. The person next to him was full of disbelief: "Lin Qiao, you want to raise pigs


" Lin Qiao smiled shyly! This chicken seller has a big business, so he can't sit still. After a few greetings, he left in a hurry. Those who came after hearing the news didn't succeed in buying, but they all knew about Lin Qiao's plan to buy pigs. Looking at each other intriguingly, why is the Lin family so arrogant? Isn't it because there are two big pigs in the family? It's fine now. Let the son I despise the most pass by! Lin Qiao is really ambitious. It has only been a while before the house is built and the pig is bought! Good days ahead. Lin Qiao brought home a basket of chickens. Mother Meng and Chen Rui liked it very much: "Is this the little chicken?" Chen Rui touched it lightly with his hand. Fluffy, feels super nice. "Don't put this chicken in the backyard, don't peck the vegetables." "Put it in the house for a few days, and then let it out when it gets a little bigger. Just set aside a place next to the sheep pen for them."

"Brother Qiao, let me feed this chicken." Chen Rui fell in love with it immediately after seeing it.


"By the way, mother-in-law, I ordered three piglets and a few shelducks. If there are pigs, I will raise them in the backyard." The backyard is far away from everyone. The provincial pig Heheng wants to eat annoying people. And also dirty.

Meng's mother was pleasantly surprised: "You got a pig?" This kind of big animal is definitely one of the family's assets.

Lin Qiao nodded. He has no land, and has been relying on helping others to earn money with brute force all these years, and it was only enough to make ends meet before. But it's different now. Having a child, a daughter-in-law, and a family! Of course you have to plan. Mengmu and Lin Rui don't like to go out, Mengmu is too exaggerated, the house is about to be cleaned up for the eighth time, the wood is flooded, and the iron is shiny! There is really no other work. Lin Qiao raises some chickens and ducks, and the little pigs also have something to do. It is an income when you grow up.

Mother Meng was very happy: "Hey, good." That smile didn't fade until the meal.

Chen He looked at his mother happy, with a smile on his face: "Mother, what are you thinking, so happy."

"Thinking about pigs."

Chen He: ...

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