Chapter 73

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When I heard this, I immediately became angry. Why did you spend so much money here to buy a table to make a good fortune? At this time, someone is pouring cold water on your happiness. This is not owed beating what is it?

"Which private school do you belong to?"

These nasty guys originally saw them as lively and noisy, but now that they had such a big reaction, they said plausibly: "What do you care about me? You eat you all these years I eat our food, why don't people talk about it. If you have the ability to book the whole tavern, you will be considered arrogant." Not everyone in the county has money, and a poor man like him Students are already looked down upon by others. Now even the people in the country are stronger than him, and my heart suddenly loses balance.

"That's right, someone is scolding." The people next to him became more and more interested, they were going to take a scientific examination tomorrow. If you pass the exam, you will have fame on your body. Who dares to cause trouble.

"You..." The students blushed angrily and their necks were thick.

Lin Qiao got up and said, "What kind of nonsense are you talking to this kind of people?" With such a cheap mouth, no one will stop him from being beaten.

He got up together, and the rest of the dozen or so auditors also got up at once. They have blacksmiths, restaurants, and cloth shops. But without exception, they are all strong children from the countryside, and fighting is no stranger at all.

They come together. It's like a human wall, with amazing momentum and pressure. It makes people nervous.

"Why, do you want to hit someone?" The blood on the faces of these students disappeared: "If you make trouble outside the examination room, you will be disqualified from the examination!" Upon hearing this, the auditors laughed

: "Come on, cancel it." Anyway, they don't take the exam.

Lin Qiao directly pinched the head of the mouth-mouthed student with his arm, with a chilling smile on his face: "Come on, buddy, let's go out and talk!"

"I'm not leaving." He yelled with his neck tied, he couldn't move for a while after being clamped like this. It looks like it has taken root! He is not stupid, what good fruit can he have if he is taken out?

than brute force? Lin Qiao couldn't help laughing, it was so easy to take him away. The rest of the people were also carried away by the group of auditors! After a while, I heard bursts of crying and begging for mercy from outside into the tavern.

A gust of breeze blew, and those other students lowered their heads, not daring to look up at the people at the big table. I thought to myself, isn't this group of students from the countryside too powerful? It is said that country people are timid when they enter the city. Stamping their feet can scare them half to death. Why does it feel like something is wrong!

After two sticks of incense, Lin Qiao brought everyone back. There is still a smile on their faces: "Keep eating." Nothing can disturb their good mood for the science exam tomorrow.

"What happened to those people?" Some students asked, although they were very angry, but they were afraid of getting into trouble. Although he is a scholar who is useless, he is a master at making troubles!

Lin Qiao said: "Don't worry, I have sense of proportion, the person is not dead."

All of a sudden, the surroundings were quiet, and the students at the nearby tables got up with their calves twisted, and they got up to pay the bill in a hurry. I didn't eat any food!

Their big table was originally conspicuous, but now it is completely isolated.

Seeing that Lin Qiao said he was fine, everyone was very happy and continued to eat and drink. After a while, the black-eyed student who was beaten came back. There were also two yamen servants by his side: "Where is the trouble?" He frowned. What bothers me the most is that these students are drinking and making trouble, and I have already dealt with several cases today. I've been impatient for a long time, can't they just stop.

I came in to take a look, glanced around, and then saw Liu Aman sitting there, the original impatience on his face immediately faded, replaced by a bit of flattery: "How did they offend you?"

The black-eyed student thought he was asking him, and immediately vomited bitterly: "I was just chatting with my classmates and friends, but this group of barbarians beat me up when they came up. I have an exam tomorrow. How can I take the exam now? This is delaying my entire future. Lord Yamen servant, you have to make decisions for the little people!" The words were so affectionate, he had already thought about it. The next step is to take care of their lost wages and bonuses for a year. For this scientific examination, I found a gifted student as a guarantee and spent a lot of money, so I have to get it out of them. do not give? Hmph, if you don't give it, you will go to jail!

The yamen servant turned around and remembered that the last one was the one who sued the official: "What did you say?" The

audience students were excited and told the whole story of what happened just now.

The yamen servants had sympathized with him when they saw him come to report to the officials with a hurt face. But when I heard the reason today, I was speechless immediately: "You don't get beaten often?" "My

lord." The black-eyed student screamed: "They beat me like this, how can I take the science test tomorrow? "

The yamen servant said: "You guys gathered people to make trouble like this. Both sides will be detained for three days, you have to think carefully. You have an exam tomorrow. Do you still want to sue?" The muddy way.

The black-eyed student frowned. He has an exam tomorrow. If he doesn't pass the exam, he will feel unwilling. Although he didn't review well, what if the questions are easy: "Then I won't sue the officials, but I will give his one to me." Losing money." To be able to afford such a luxurious No. 1 Scholar's Noodles, one would imagine that everyone from a wealthy family would not be short of money!

"Do you want money?" It's all done by them first. Why should they lose money?

The yamen servants said: "Your upper injury is just a skin injury. Go back and apply some ointment and you will be fine within two days. They didn't do anything cruel, otherwise your small body is not enough for someone to punch you." Except Lin Outside the bridge, these students from the countryside are all in good health. If he really let go, he wouldn't even be able to speak here.

The black-eyed student didn't expect that he would suffer, and he felt a little bit unwilling to get any benefit. But at the moment it is left hanging there, unable to get up or down. There was no other way. The person walking next to him said, "Why don't we go back. Use all our skills on tomorrow's exam!"

After being half dragged and dragged like this, the black-eyed student left.

As soon as they left, the yamen servant immediately went to Liu Aman's side and said, "Master, why didn't you tell us when you came. We can send a car to pick you up?" "No need." Liu

Aman Mante bothered them.

The yamen servant said a few nice words next to him. They retreated at the end, and before leaving, they paid for a few extra dishes for them at their own expense before leaving.

Although the meal was a bit of an episode, it didn't affect their appetite at all. Eat food you haven't eaten before. It was only after chatting with those auditors that I realized how useful literacy and hyphenation are, and it strengthened their determination to study hard.

I went back after eating.

As the saying goes, newborn calves are not afraid of tigers, just as all the students in the county are tossing and turning thinking about tomorrow's exam. This group of country students had been sound asleep for a long time, and they passed Erdaoling in their dreams!

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