Chapter 142 The Winner in Life

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"Are you here alone?" Lin Yihan said, staring at him closely, Chen He said: "And my brother."

Seeing that he is much more beautiful than the last time I saw him, since Lin Qiao After coming here, he is like a nourished flower. The old people often say that whether a person is lucky or not is written on his face, and he also knows that he has lost completely!

In fact, he knew about Chen He's dodge in that small county town, but he refused to believe it at that time: "I'm going to get married." The meaning of this sentence is to reassure Chen He that he will not pester him again in the future .

"That's good." Chen He didn't want to talk to him more.

Lin Yihan lowered his eyelids and said, "I've passed."

"En." Chen He nodded.

Lin Yihan still left here. But those eyes were full of reluctance!

Sitting here, Chen He was a little anxious, why didn't Ruier come back, got up and looked around, there were too many people, and he couldn't see him!

At this moment, Rui'er was immersed in shock, and unexpectedly saw Long Qi wearing a royal blue dress. Haven't seen him since last time. It was unexpected to meet again this time. At this moment, he was shaking a fan in his hand, and said with a smile: "I've seen you a long time ago, the one next to you is your brother." I've heard him say that he has a good-looking brother. Their ancestors of the old Chen family had appointed great beauties. Otherwise, why does their family look so good-looking! I was surprised when I saw it just now. It's a pity that this little heartless person didn't change his mind at all, so he had to take the initiative to find him.

Chen Rui had been kissed on the mouth by him a long time ago. At that time, he was still a child at heart, and only thought that after kissing, he would be together. He suddenly disappeared and was depressed for a long time. After all, he liked it very much when he was young, and he forgot it quickly. It's only been a long time, and the feeling of being young and full of spring has disappeared.

In fact, Chen Rui never made any friends. He is one, not to mention he is so good-looking.

"Why did you come here?"

"Inspect the business at home." He was dressed like a playboy. Wearing a fan and wearing expensive embroidery like a flower peacock: "By the way, I didn't miss the appointment on purpose last time. It was because I had some urgent matters that I didn't have time to talk about. I always feel very sorry for you!"

" It's okay." Chen Rui waved his hand grandly: "I don't care about it for a long time."

Long Qi's face changed instantly, and he couldn't be happy when he heard that he was forgiven. What does he doesn't care mean?

Looking at Chen Rui's face, there was no shyness on his face, only open and aboveboard joy. Long Qi panicked, and hastily closed his fan: "Xiao Rui, don't you like me?"

Chen Rui glanced at him, he was still so handsome, his brother said he was a womanizer These words are indeed true, there is a beautiful woman next to him who asks him such straightforward words, even if he is determined but also slightly moved. Then he coughed dryly and said: "Our grades are too young to talk about this. I have to go to my brother's place, so let's not talk about it." After finishing speaking, he left with two bamboo tube rice.

Long Qi was completely stunned: "Hey..." Master Xiaoxin's appearance became more and more attractive. Could it be that someone else took advantage of his absence while he was away? No, it's rare to meet a person who is so suitable for both appearance and personality. Don't let it go.

When Chen Rui came back, he happened to see his brother looking around, and immediately said: "Brother..."

Chen He finally breathed a sigh of relief when he saw his brother. The two sat outside and ate the rice in bamboo tubes. I also bought some fruit-flavored caramel in the bag: "I brought it to Yuan'er!"

Chen He finished eating here, and when he raised his head, he was surprised to find: "Your ribbon is gone."

As soon as Chen Rui heard this, he ate the rice in bamboo tubes. Then he raised his head and sure enough the red color on the branch of the marriage tree was gone: "Look for it."

Chen Rui and his brother lowered their heads to see if it had fallen to the ground. Searched around but couldn't find it. Mostly blown away by the wind. After wandering outside for a while, I went back.

Chen Rui left without noticing that Long Qi, who was sitting at a nearby booth, kept staring at him until he was out of sight. What she holds in her hand is a red ribbon, which says "Wish to win the heart of one person, and the white head will not be separated." Rub it gently with your fingers. Then put it in your bosom pocket!

These two people are also interesting, Chen Rui likes Long Qi's flamboyant and handsome appearance. Long Qi was also greedy for his beauty. Immediately ask the servants to find out where Chen Rui's home is. The little beauty he likes cannot fall into the hands of others.


Xiao Lin Siyuan is making a rocking horse toy, both the wooden horse and the slide are designed by Lin Qiao. Made according to posterity.

The baby is very happy because he likes Lin Qiao very much. He sent a post to a few merchants before, asking them to bring their own children to the banquet. These children will never want to leave after visiting once. Where have they seen such a fun thing. After arriving here, there are people who look after the children, and Lin Qiao will take some snacks that the children can eat from time to time. After coming here once, the children would clamor to come a second time without Lin Qiao inviting them.

Just like the children of later generations wanting to go to Children's Paradise, Xiaolin Siyuan immediately became the envied winner of life when they came. All these toys belong to him, and he can play with them whenever he wants.

Lin Siyuan had never seen so many children of the same age who were a little nervous. For the first time, his little face was tense. All of a sudden these children were stunned, I just felt that he was full of momentum. After the second time, there are many little tails behind.

Especially in the eyes of children, this new little Trojan horse is the most majestic thing in the world. A total of four children came here, all of whom were sons of big local merchants. They were a little older than three years old. Before they came, the family repeatedly asked them to take care of Xiao Lin Siyuan. They were all boys. Xiao Lin Siyuan was a weak brother. Just like a younger brother, don't make him cry!

These little guys all nodded sternly, and almost recognized Xiao Lin Siyuan as the eldest brother after they came. It turns out that brothers are like this?

Xiao Lin Siyuan got up and directly assigned his wooden horse mount to the young son of the Yang family, all of them were average-sized milk babies. But he looked more stable and serious. For some reason, it caught Xiao Lin Siyuan's eyes. Let him play for a while, and the other three little guys make jealous noises.

No matter how old the young master of the Yang family is, he is still a child, and there is excitement in his eyes. Sit on it and rock back and forth. It turns out that this is what riding a horse feels like. I just feel majestic.

He kept in mind what his family said to be humble, and although he didn't play enough, he still came down. Gratefully went to Xiao Lin Siyuan: "Thank you, Brother Yuan'er!" Obviously he was also a little milk doll and said every word. It was a bit of a sense of sincerity.

Xiao Lin Siyuan was so obsessed that he followed the example of his father and mother and kissed the mouth of the young master of the Yang family. The young master of the Yang family was stunned on the spot! The other three people became more and more jealous, it was really different.

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