Chapter 1 Got a Boy and a Wife?

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It was warm and cold in the countryside in May, and the land in Linjia Village had already been planted. Many people packed up their things and planned to go to the county to find some work. There has been severe drought for three consecutive years, and the harvest in the fields is not good. It is not easy to dig food out of the soil to feed a person, let alone a family.

Men go out and sell some energy, at least they can come back with a full stomach.

In a dilapidated house in the remote part of the village, Lin Qiao sighed for the fifth time. He never expected that he would time travel when he woke up. Wearing it on an ancient man with the same name and surname as him, he also inherited all his memories.

Speaking of which, Lin Qiao is the third child of the Lin family, and he has never been enlightened since he was a child. Call him stupid, better than a fool. Say he is not stupid, but he is different from normal people.

After Lin's mother gave birth to Lin Qiao, she couldn't hold her head up in the village, so she put this resentment on him. She treated him badly when she was a child, and when she grew up, she drove him out and let him live alone. Turn around and go home. He is not asked to go back for a reunion dinner every year or holiday.

The Lin family wanted face, even though they couldn't see the third child, they didn't want others to gossip, so they married him a wife.

This era is very different from the world that Lin Qiao understands. Men are divided into males and older brothers. Brothers are born weak and can give birth. In some villages where there are few women, they will marry elder brothers to live together.

But my brother is not a woman after all, he is not soft enough to hug, and he is not as loving as a woman. As long as the family has the ability, it will still marry a woman.

Over time, it has become a kind of comparison. Whoever married the brother will not say it on the face, but in his heart he will laugh at the man's incompetence.

Lin Qiao's parents married him a brother, who was said to have escaped from a flood in his hometown. Not even gift money. Sending some coarse grains and rough cloth is considered as a bride price.

Don't look at him as a brother, it is more than enough to match him! Lin Qiao is such an idiot, he is always bullied outside. But at home, he still plays masculine and insults his daughter-in-law all day long. Now that the daughter-in-law is pregnant and about to give birth, he dare not do anything. I got into a quarrel because of a trivial matter, and vented my anger by banging my head against the wall. I usually use this form of self-harm to demonstrate, but I never expected that today the wall is extraordinarily hard, and I hung up with a bang, and he passed through it. come over.

I figured out the ins and outs. Lin Qiao was a little speechless, what is this all about?

Lin Qiao closed his eyes and stretched out his hand to feel it. The space is still there? At that time, I got the space inexplicably. A collector, he used all his wages to buy rice, noodles, oil, various meats, drinks, vegetables, seeds and various books. Just so that you don't have to go downstairs when you stay at home. I bought a lot of things, but I didn't enjoy it once, so I gave it to ancient times.

"It's time to eat." A clear voice came.

Just as Lin Qiao was about to get up, his head felt dizzy.

He was lifted up by a weak hand. It was only now that Lin Qiao had a clear look at his daughter-in-law's appearance. The coarse clothes still had a lot of patches. She had a pretty face and a big belly that didn't match his face. There is even a bit of clumsiness in walking.

"You..." Just as Lin Qiao was about to speak, he found that his voice was hoarse, as if his throat was about to burst into flames.

"Let's eat." Chen He said softly.

He was almost scared to death just now, Lin Qiao hit his head against the wall in a daze, bleeding all over the ground, and hastily bandaged him. Lie flat on the bed. Seeing that his breathing gradually weakened and he was about to die, he suddenly became frightened. Don't look at the Lin family's parents who don't care about his son, but he is a foreigner. If something really happened, he might not be able to afford it. Besides, it was because he married into the Lin family village that his mother and younger brother were able to build a grass shed near the village, which was considered a place to stay. If something happened, it would be impossible to live here, and there would be famine and natural disasters everywhere, where would the family go?

Just now seeing Lin Qiao move a few more times, he felt a trace of sincere joy.

Lin Qiao stood up and sat up. After all, he is a big stupid guy with rough skin and thick flesh. Apart from being a little dizzy right now, I'm basically fine.

Being supported by his wife to the table, he was still a little dazed and embarrassed. How did a single dog with red seedlings become a person with a wife, or a male wife? Looking at the daughter-in-law's face, she still has the unique handsomeness of a teenager, she is like a beast.

Sitting at the table, I realized that there were boiled eggs, black flour pancakes, and a bowl of clear soup in front of me.

Then I saw that what my daughter-in-law was in front of was some black flour mixed with wild vegetables, and I lost my appetite when I saw it.

At this moment, Chen He found that his man did not yell for meat, and his heart softened: "It's not that I don't give you meat, it's because there is really no more at home. I borrowed this egg from Aunt Zhang next door, so you can eat it." Let's make do with it first, wait until the next market, I will let you eat meat? Don't make trouble today."

Lin Qiao saw that his wife was still covered with patches, and wanted to get him meat to eat , blushed.

Speaking of which, Chen He's original family also had some family background, otherwise he would not have fled to this land thousands of miles away, but the money was almost spent on the road. Now that they are married, his mother gave him the only two silver hairpins on her body for fear of wronging him.

I had bought meat for him before, so it should be the only one left.

"If you pawn the silver hairpin, you will have nothing?" Lin Qiao frowned and said, "What will we do in the future?

" what to do? Otherwise, like those women, he does laundry to make money?

Lin Qiao saw that he was a little afraid of himself, so he couldn't help but soften his voice: "You can eat these, I'm dizzy and just eat some porridge." After speaking, he immediately swapped the fine grains in front of him with her coarse grains.

"But the head still hurts?"

"It doesn't hurt. You should eat more, I'm afraid it will start in a few days." Lin Qiao looked at his stomach, feeling a little scared, how could such a thin person withstand such a big stomach , Isn't it uncomfortable to fall?

Hearing what he said, Chen He blushed a little: "Listen to what my mother said, it's been two days." "Have you

found a midwife?"

"What are you doing with the wasted money? My mother can help."

The food tanks at home are all gone. After eating this meal, I don't even know how to solve the next meal. Where can I find a midwife. Aunt Xu in the village is the best midwife, and she must give at least eight eggs. If you meet that generous person, you still have to put some fine grains in the basket, there is no such condition at all.

Lin Qiao sighed: "You eat the eggs first." After speaking, he took a sip of wild vegetable soup with thick noodles.

The rough noodles scratched my throat, and the bitter taste of wild vegetables was really hard to swallow, but I still finished this bowl. He is tall and big, and he is not full after this bowl.

Chen He said: "I really can't finish it, you should eat it." He was also considered poor, and he didn't eat any delicious food when he was pregnant with a child, and he didn't know why his stomach grew so big?

Lin Qiao's family originally had younger brothers and sisters, and they would take care of others since they were young. Now I sat next to my daughter-in-law, holding the egg shell with my hands, and a round white fat man came out of my hands. Breaking open the egg, the yolk was an attractive orange color, the egg was boiled extremely tender, trembling at the moment, it was still trembling in the hand a few times, Chen He swallowed drooling.

"Let's eat, let's get half of each." He stretched it directly to Chen He's mouth. Smell the tempting sweet taste. I couldn't say any more words of rejection in my heart, so I opened my mouth and took a bite. Smooth and delicious, sweet and unusual.

Ever since I married Lin Qiao, I haven't eaten any good food. This half egg can completely hook the gluttons. Totally addicted.

Even the baby who was always well-behaved and quiet in the womb became fussy now.

There was a pounding on my stomach, as if I wanted to eat more.

Lin Qiao touched his stomach. He directly handed the remaining half to him: "This one is for the children."

Chen He looked at him inquisitively. Lin Qiao had always been a food protector, and he would never let anyone eat something he liked. Good things you can't eat. He was willing to take it out?

It's just that the mouth is faster than the brain, and the tempting egg is picked up next to it and eaten. They only had two meals a day, plus he was always hungry with a steamed bun in his belly, so he usually endured it, but today he was persuaded by Lin Qiao. He even ate two black rice cakes and a bowl of soup.

It was embarrassing when I put down the bowl.

If my husband finds out that he can eat so much, will he regret marrying him? He looked at Lin Qiao anxiously.

Unexpectedly, Lin Qiao didn't feel angry at all.

Instead, he helped him aside: "You should take a good rest today." He simply cleaned up the table and picked up the dirty bowl.

Chen He said: "You must not be a gentleman."

"You just need to rest well." Lin Qiao went to the kitchen without any explanation. Simply wash the dishes with cold water, this kind of work is often done at home, very skilled. By the way, I looked at the kitchen. It was really dark and small. There is only one pot on a stove. Although the house was dilapidated and dark, it was still well organized.

There was nothing in the grain jar.

All that can be eaten in the kitchen is a little dried vegetables.

There is one in the eating space, but it's hard to take it out right now.

There has to be a legitimate reason.

After tidying up the kitchen. Chen He had already struggled to sit up, but his body was too heavy. Just getting up alone is exhausting.

"Leave it alone, my husband. I'll do it when I come." Although he was a brother, he knew since he was a child that he was going to marry. What I study is women's morality and the like, and I'm already very uneasy at the moment.

"Lie down with me for a while." Lin Qiao rolled onto the bed.

"En." A hand rested lightly on his waist. I saw my uncle give him a massage when my aunt was pregnant. At this moment, she also imitated and gently pinched his waist and legs.

"Sanggong." He was a little uneasy.

"Go to sleep, save your strength, and wait for the delivery." Lin Qiao said.

Recently, Chen He also felt that his body was very tired for no reason. It seemed that his stomach was filled with a huge water polo, and he kept falling down. He said that he was not afraid of being a lie.

Now I have been tired all morning. I was frightened before and tired, and now I am coaxed in my arms. It didn't take long for the eyelids to sink.

Looking at Chen He's sleeping face. Lin Qiao is very safe, no matter what, he must take good care of the people around him.

Suddenly there was a loud voice outside: "Brother Lin, the city is recruiting workers, are you going?"

This sudden shout was like a thunderclap.

Chen He was frightened as soon as he fell asleep, and now he suddenly activated it!

The author has something to say: You may not guess, it was Xiaoshou who was tempted first...

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