Chapter 169

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[get me out!」

The frenzied shouting is not heard repeatedly in the depths of consciousness, but one

[I can't do it, I'm just an auxiliary system.]

Gao Feng didn't understand why he came to this point all of a sudden.

It's just a meal, it's just a little bit out of control, he has a system, he can perfectly cover up what he did.

Even the previous treason did not involve him in the slightest, which made him believe that he was fearless in this life. Apart from

But this time his system told him no, how could he accept it.

"How can I do it! Can't? You can erase Xihe and Yan Jingyu's memory, it's not hurting him, why can't it be done?"

[Why don't you look at your own mission progress? Now go back to the 15th day progress, and then back again, you still want to use amnestics? Are you blind?]

But now I can't bear to hear Gao Feng's words.

The indignant words of the organic mechanical voice gave people a feeling of contempt compared to the excitement when human emotions came up.

Especially the last sentence "Are you blind?" Ruan Xihe who was not far away couldn't help laughing.

Ever since Gao Feng was sent to the Fifth Prison to accompany Qin Rui, the two were taken away and locked up in a separate small room.

Since Yan Jingyu knew that Gao Feng was actually the culprit, he would naturally not let him go.

Daily punishment is necessary, not only for Gao Feng, but also for Qin Rui.

Sometimes together, sometimes separately.

He could see the gloating and hatred in Qin Rui's eyes when he saw Gao Feng was also locked in.

But every time the confession is still strictly guarded against not hearing any information about Gao Feng, this is not equal to the emotions he showed.

He could see that Qin Rui hated Gao Feng.

He watched a lot about the two dogs biting dogs, but the progress of the interrogation has not progressed.

After thinking for a while, he thought of Ruan Xihe's system.

Is it because the system has the ability to make it impossible for people to confess? For example, they cannot say things that are not good for Gao Feng?

Taking this question to Ruan Xihe, Ruan Xihe couldn't answer it either.

The relationship between him and Tong, their intersection is because of the same purpose, from the beginning to the end, Tong is a cooperative relationship.

And open, Ruan Xihe didn't know what privileges a real tasker could have, so he decided to come and see for himself.

It's just that they didn't expect to hear a wave of quarrels before they reached their cell.

From this, he can preliminarily judge that Gao Feng's system should not be as high as 521, and thinking about his, it should not be so easy to obtain, otherwise it would be absorbed in the band.

He has only been in contact with 521, so he can't tell what level Gao Feng's system is, but from what it says, it is obvious that it does have a shopping mall, but the right to use this shopping mall is determined by the completion of the mission of Gao Feng, the tasker. .

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