Chapter 93

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"Say, who ordered you?"

The sole of his foot stepped on the severely injured rib, and he pressed down for a few seconds while speaking, and the man's screams were recalled in the corridor.

Fortunately, there were two doors between the operating room and the waiting area outside, which did not attract the attention of outsiders.

"I...I don't...recognize." Zhui was so distressed that he almost died. The attending doctor who looked calm and professional just now was no longer there, his distorted face was as white as paper, and his forehead was covered with cold sweat.

"Don't know? Don't you know that you can take business so readily?"

He sneered, seeing that he was still in tears when he saw the coffin, Ruan Xihe raised his hand and punched him.

The gold-rimmed glasses were knocked to the ground. They were thrown far away, followed by a few punches to the flesh, and the bodyguards who followed him couldn't help but - shudder.

He never thought that the soft and weak young master would be so ruthless.

After the face greeting, he directly grabbed the collar and lifted the man from the ground.

"Have you thought about how to say it now?" g7602£8

The flat tone seemed to have no emotional ups and downs, but none of the three people present felt that he was easy to get along with.

Especially the doctor who was beaten, he knew that if the answer to this question was not good, the consequences would not be something he could bear.

"Ahem, I, I said."

The so-called one who knows the current affairs is a hero, and the doctor is not a good person. I didn't say it before, but I just wanted not to offend the client, but in the face of the ruthlessness of the people in front of me, life is more important.

"I haven't seen it, my lord, but I know his surname, Lin." The intermittent words revealed nothing.

Letting go of the man, he stood up, and when the man thought the torture was finally over, he stepped on his right hand.

The screams echoed in the corridor again. The bodyguards looked at each other, but stood aside with their heads bowed, lasagna tears in their hearts.

The young master is so powerful, how can he suddenly feel that he is useless!

"That's your answer?"

"I, I said, I said, the thing is from the imperial capital, I, my mobile phone, there are phone recordings, please let me go, I, please."

His hands are the means of his life. If he can no longer hold a scalpel in his hands, he will have no future.

At this moment, the man finally didn't dare to play tricks anymore, and confessed everything.

The intermittent words explained the cause of the incident, how the other party contacted him, and how they delivered the hearing aid they prepared to him.

It turned out that the hearing aid he thought was broken was not broken, but that there was a remote control device inside, which could remotely cut off the sound input.

In other words, on the original time track, the person who wanted Yan Jing to die was standing not far from the scene of the car accident.

He saw the timing and turned off the sound, so Yan Jingyu didn't notice the danger coming.

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