Chapter 130

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Hope you can see the photo above, if not let me know. But this is kind of how I imagine the ring, but I don't like how visible the prongs are on the main diamond. I imagine more diamonds on the band.

Gender Reveal in this chapter any last guesses?


Back at the compound two days after getting engaged. Dropping their bags off at their place and putting Willow down for a nap.

Walking into the team living room "What are you having?" Wanda and Pepper jumping up from their spots. Walking over to them with a huge smile on her face with Bucky trailing behind her "We are having a wedding!" Throwing her hand up showing off the ring "Oh my god!" Everyone shouting as they all stood up to surround Maddie looking at the ring.

"Hold on" Sam interrupts everyone as they stare at the ring and congratulate "Who helped you pick out the ring?" asking Bucky "Cause you didn't invite me. Steve has the same expression as me so I know he didn't go and help"

"I designed it myself. I knew what I wanted on her finger, didn't need anyone's opinion on it" Sam squinting his eyes at him "Jerk" he mumbles looking back down at the ring. "Wait!" Pepper now shouting making everyone freeze again "What are you having?"

"Don't know, we find out tomorrow at the appointment" rubbing her small bump "So how did this happen?" Wanda questioned "You guys left and then we got into position and Mia counted down and popped the cannon and yellow powder came out and I was like 'Yellow? What is yellow suppose to be?' and I looked at the cannon and then Mia told Willow 'Good job' and I turned to look at Willow and the sign didn't say Boy or Girl it said Marry Daddy and I turned around and he was on one knee" beaming with happiness as she tells them.

"What did you say?" Steve questions "I had a speech all ready but she practically flew into my arms saying 'Yes I'll marry you' so I didn't get the chance to say my speech but she read what I wrote down"

"It was very sweet...and naughty I would have been red in the face if he said it out loud"

"The naughty part was at the end after you would've said yes"

"Can't even do an engagement without be horny" Tony mumbled to Nat "I'm pregnant I'm constantly horny" his eyes widened "I didn't need to know that" walking away.

"Oh thank god you said yes I thought this was going to be a hell of an appointment if you had said no" the doctor noted as soon as he saw the ring on her finger. Chuckling as he holds his clipboard to his chest like he was going to faint, "Yep, I said yes" smiling at the doctor then to the ring then to Bucky who was holding Willow upside down by her feet as she just giggled away.

"Okay and are we actually wanting to know the gender this time?" squeezing the jelly on her bump "Yes we are...right" turning to look at Bucky "You have no other proposals hidden up your sleeve?"

"Nope no more proposal it was hard enough to hide that one"

"I had no idea"

"Ya cause I worked my ass off to make sure you didn't" rolling her eyes as she turned her head to look at the monitor seeing the little 16 week old baby. "I want to see if I can read it" Bucky leaning forward as the doctor moves the wand around "Here is the view of the baby's genitals. What do you see?" smiling at Bucky as he stares at the screen. "It looks like Willow, so I am going to say girl" leaning back as Maddie looks at the screen to make her guess "I have no clue, I'm still saying it's a boy. I had morning sickness with her and I have had no morning sickness with this one"

"Alright well I am seeing 2 lines down there so you two are having a girl" looking back at the couple seeing Bucky dancing in his spot with Willow flopping around laughing "Three little devils" he sings-songs as she leans down kissing Maddie head as she just watches him dance around. "You couldn't have said it was a boy" , teasing the doctor.

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