Chapter 114

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I'M BACK!! I really needed a break from everything especially school it felt so good not having to do any homework or any stupid discussion boards it was so peacefully until mother nature decided to be a cock block when I got on the plane to go to the cruise big fuck you to mother nature. 

I have some ideas not as many as I would've liked to have but I got some so if you guys have anything you would like to see or should I say read let me know because I already want to jump to Halloween and then Christmas and then their birthdays and I don't want to because that means the story would get closer to how I want to end it before I want it to. Thanks for 84.6k reads!

"Give me the baby" walking behind Bucky as he carries Willow "You just had her I want to hold her" biting back walking to the team kitchen for dinner "I was feeding her that's different than holding her"

"She was in your arms" turning to walk into the kitchen everyone staring at them "that doesn't count give me Willow"

"It's daddy daughter time" pulling Willow up out of Maddies reach "Jerk" she mumbles walking over to make her plate "I'll make you plate go sit" Bucky pushing her to go sit "Can I hold my baby?" Reaching her arms out to Willow laying in the fold of Bucky arm.

Willow looking up at Bucky as he looks down at her then to Maddie "You can have daddy daughter time after dinner" sliding her hands underneath Willow pulling her out of Bucky arm "Fine" watching Willlow's eyes move to Maddie as she holds her turning walking to sit down in her spot.

Willow is already 8 weeks old and Bucky is on a mission to make her a daddy's girl. The only time he doesn't have her glued to him is when she cries for Maddie breasts or he has to use the bathroom or she is sleeping.

Like this morning for instance she had barely woken up and with Bucky glued to the baby monitor while she sleeps watching her to make sure she doesn't roll onto her belly and Bucky marched his ass into the nursery cooing to her "Goodmorning pumpkin how was your nap" slipping his hands under her lifting her to lay on his bare chest as he checks her diaper.

Moving her to the changing table undoing her onesie as he quickly changes her diaper, only being told 3 times by Maddie how to wipe her so she doesn't get a UTI.

"There go pumpkins all clean" wrapping the diaper up leaning over kissing her belly making her squirm with joy.

"Is she up?"Maddie asks from the bedroom as she exits the bathroom after her shower "Shhhhh" bringing his finger up to his lips looks down at Willow smiling up at him. She is a big smiler always smiling at anything. Usually baby don't smile till their are 2 months or older but her was Willow at 4 weeks smiling at everything especially Bucky.

"Buck?" She questions pulling her pajama pants up to her waist and then one of Bucky shirts. Lifting her up to him positioning her to lay her back on his chest as he walks to the mirror in her room letting her look at herself "Thats you!" Poking her belly and then the mirror "and that's your hair" pushing her out of her face "and these are your toes and fingers" keeping his voice quiet.

Hearing a voice being cleared looking over to see Maddie leaning on the wall looking at the two of them "Is she hungry because my boobs are full?" walking over to them with her hair still damp. Looking down at Willow squeezing her fists looking at Maddie "I'll take that as a yes" chuckling taking her from Bucky.

Following Maddie to the living room seeing Alpine sleeping on top of the couch. Sitting down next to Maddie as she pulls the shirt up for Willow as she quickly takes her breast using one hand to hold on to the skin if her breast.

As much as Bucky has been watching Willow he has been watching Maddie looking for any signs of postpartum depression so far so good.

The doctors gave them all clear 2 weeks ago that they can start having sex again, for Maddie sex is off the table still, every time she sees him naked the pain in her head is more powerful than the pleasure she thinks about.

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