Chapter 25

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Kicking off her shoes in her apartment she headed down to her room stripping off of her clothes, she had just gotten back from the OBGYN and they had to put gel/lube in her to make sure she was completely healed and she felt gross, it was sticky and it left a weird resuado on her thighs, walking into her room pulling off her skirt "Shit you scared me" grabbing her chest holding the skirt in her hand, James sitting on the bed, manspreading like he always does taking up a dumb amount of space. "Hi doll" with a smile plastered on his face looking her up and down, noticing she is just wearing underwear and no bra "You went to the doctors without a bra?" walking over throwing her skirt and shirt in the laundry basket "I had a thick sweater on and I didn't need to wear a bra and I didn't take off my shirt, feel better?" reaching out to grab her pulling her close to him, her breast being right in front of his face "Yes, but the big question here is... are you healed?" moving his hands down grabbing her ass, switching between kissing her nipples "Yes I am in the clear"

"Great" squeezing her ass tighter picking her up slamming her on the bed moving his hands up her body feeling her curves and smooth skin "James"

"How many times do I have to tell you to call me Bucky"

"What number are we at right now?"

"I don't know probably the 10th time"

"Okay, the hundredth time"

"I hate you"

"Hate you too, now get up I need to shower" tapping him on the chest "Why"

"Because they put gel in me and it's all on my thighs and it feels gross and I want it off of my body" rolling his eyes "Fine, hurry up I have a surprise for you" getting off of her sitting on the bed "A surprise why?" he gives her a half side smile "Because I got you something you and I can use, but you don't get until you get out of the shower"

"Ughh okay"


"You did it"

"Ya, I know"

Taking a quick shower she comes out in a satin robe and her hair in a messy clipped bun, "Alright what's my surprise" her voice goes low looking at James sitting on the bed with a box, reaching his hand out to grab her pulling her onto his lap, giving her the black box, it was a quite large like the size of a shoe box slowly opening the box sat in the middle was a purple bullet vibrator and next to it was a bottle of lube. Wide eyed at the gift looking up her jaw slightly hung "We don't have to, but I read it can help, make you relax a bit, so that hopefully I never have to send you back to the hospital. Also we don't have to use both, we can use one or the other or none of them, it's all up to you" she looks back down at the box sliding off his lap putting the box next to him, he watches her every movement filling like he was maybe being to fast at bringing this in.

She walks to her closet it opening it up grabbing the small step up from her closet opening it up stepping up to grab a small box off the top shelf, hopping off she handed him the box, now he was confused opening it up to find multiple vibrator, dildos, and vibrating dildos with rabbit ears,now he was the one with his mouth open she chuckled as he continued looking through it he found cleaner, and different type so of lube. Picking up one of the dildos he holds it up showing her "Okay, no wonder I hurt this is tiny" he looks at memorized by how much smaller it was then him "I'm a tiny person and I didn't think I would be with a guy who is 9 inches and almost as thick as a water bottle, sorry" she waves her hands around, "Okay, I get it but this is" putting it against his hand "Its barely the same length as my hand Mads" she rolls her eyes crawling on top of his lap "Okay, I get it I use small toys" he chuckles looking up at her "Good thing you have a bigger toy now" kissing her on the lips, she can feel him getting hard under her grinding on top of him "You want my toy doll" she moans a "Mhmm" into his mouth "Pick something we can use to make you the most comfortable" without unlocking their lips she reaches over and grabs a bottle without even looking at it knowing exactly what she picked up. A warming lube that will keep her walls relax.

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