Chapter 94

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Staring down at her half packed bags having second thoughts 'Do I tell him?' she questions, just then she hears him walk into the apartment, "Bags are packed with clean clothes doll" hearing the bag hit the floor along with his steps getting closer to her room. "You almost ready?" he asks walking up behind her seeing her bags were only half packed. 

Leaning her body back on him looking up to him. Seeing that weird look on her face, "Something you want to tell me?" wrapping his arms around her "I smacked Steve across the face because..." swallowing hard looking up to him with his blue eyes staring down at her. "...because...he...." darting her eyes back and forth between his watching his face scrunch waiting for her to finish her sentence. 

Clenching her jaw looking away for a second then back to him, "he kissed me..." biting her lips together nervous on what his reaction was going to be. He was silent except for the sound of his metal fingers curling into a fist. "I-" bringing his hand up covering her mouth so she couldn't speak. Fear glazing over her eyes quickly pulling his hand away stepping back seeing that he scared her.

Slowly turning to look at him as he puts his hands behind his back "I didn't mean it as a way of telling you to shut up because I was mad, I meant it to mean I don't want you to apologize for something he did, you didn't want it so you pushed him away. I should've said to not apologize instead, I'm sorry" staring at her still holding his hands behind his back, "It's okay I get it" she says walking back over to him reaching to grab for his hands pulling them forward interlacing her fingers with his.

Looking down at her lips then to her eyes, "I will admit I scrubbed my lips till they felt raw" chuckling a little at her, removing his hand away from her hands slipping his hands up taking her face kissing her tenderly pushing back to the bed, smiling on his lips wrapping her hands around his neck keeping him close to her. "I love you" he whispers against her lips, "I love you too" pulling away to look at him. "I need to finish packing..." looking over at bags. 

Kissing her cheek hard then jaw, "Okay do you need me to do anything?" looking around, "Uh no I am almost done packing, oh actually can you give Nat Alpine's food clock paper? I have it pinned on the cork board door."

"You got it doll" walking away letting her finish packing. 

Stopping on the team floor letting them all know they are leaving, "Oh Tony I wanted to ask you, when is the other place going to be done?" Tony glancing at the team before speaking, "Uh it will be done mid February to early March" sipping his coffee, "I thought it was suppose to be done end of this month early next month?" confused since Tony was saying it was almost half way done back in July. 

"Remember that meeting I had with the Trevor brothers and you pretended to be my assistant"

"Ya?" she drags out confused on why that matters. "They were the company I hired to build it, and well after the incident I fired them and I had to go with another company which is fine but I didn't find them until the day before the mission and I still have to finalize all the paperwork so it has been postponed for a few months." 

Maddie eyes were wide "Tony I-" raising his hand to stop her, "I don't care what you have to say especially if it is an apology, because I don't take that shit lightly so go enjoy your guys vacation seeing you two soon" giving a quick smile. "Well okay then...bye" she smiles waving to everyone as her and Bucky make their way out. 

Maddie fell asleep during the drive trying to not get motion sickness from the windy road up the mountain. Tapping her awake as she turns to look at him then to house, "Oh my god! Its so pretty!" her eyes lighting up looking at the two story cabin with string lights surrounding the porch and bright flowers under all the windows and a small stone path leading to the front door. 

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