Chapter 16

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Steve rolled James into Maddie apartment and she immediately regretted her decision to take care of him. Steve and Maddie had to rearrange the furniture to make room for his gurnnee. She moved her plants that were under her window into the kitchen and she shoved her dinning room table into the corner placing the chairs on top. Her couch was pressed all the way to the window so James makeshift bed can fit in where the couch was before. They tried to put the gurnee in the spare room, but the hallways were to narrow. 

Once Steve left Maddie turned to look James, "Listen I got some rules in my apartment, 1, no cursing in front of Morgan. 2, no smoking, I don't know if you do but no smoking if you need to go in the hallway. 3, I will not be bathing you, you can figure that out yourself. And lastly no loud music or TV past 7:30, that's Morgan bed time. Any Questions?"

"Ya, how long am I going to be here?"

"Hopefully within in the hour, I don't need to take care of two children"

The anger was growing inside of him wanting to yell, but he knew she wouldn't help him after that, and he wanted to get to know her, can't do that if they are at each other throats. He just rolls his eyes and looks around the room. She watches him for a moment before handing him the TV remote and heading over to the shoe rack to put her shoes away. He watched as she dropped down to her miniature height. He knows she is short, he sees it when she is standing next to Nat. She always has heels on to make her taller, he has only seen her shoes which always adds height to her. When her and Nat were "fighting" she was only a smidge shorter than her, and Nat isn't very tall. He can't remember how far he had to bend down in the closet or in the elevator he knew it was a lot but he doesn't fully remember. 

Maddie walked into the kitchen grabbing her bags of food out of the fridge placing them on the counter finally separating and organizing her food. Once she was finished she headed to her spare room and went on her laptop. James continued to watch the TV, but nothing seemed to interest him, it was full of TV shows following people around as then went about their day. Reality TV. Or he found documentaries that were about the ocean. Boring. He stopped on a documentary on World War 2, he was actually interested it in looking at what they had gotten wrong and right and see if there is anything he didn't know about. While watching the TV he heard her talking in the spare room, he turned down the TV and listened to the conversation.

"Umm, I don't know I haven't  seen him in about two weeks"

"Ya I can definitely see"

"Hows the remodel going?"

"That's gross who leaves their toys"

"Ya, you can come over, but I am taking care of James"

"Shut up"

"I picking her up at 2:15, do you want to come?"

"Okay see you then, bye"

Quickly turning the TV volume up like he didn't just ease drop on her as she came walking out. She walked right past him not looking his way, but her peripheral vision was large, seeing everything in the room, she was able to see James staring at her as she walked by. In the kitchen she pulled out some chicken, "I am making a chicken salad, do you want one?" she says looking at the back of his head. Shocked by her voice, it was so soft and smooth "Sure" he answered back wanting to look back to see her. He was crushing on her even though he knows nothing about her except for the small things she has mentioned. Dropping his gaze from the TV he spotted the flowers he had bought for her. It had been a few days and they still looked fresh, his note he wrote was taped to the vase, bringing a small smile to his face.

She finished grilling the chicken and making the salad she brought it to him to him in a very large bowl while she had much smaller bowl. Finishing his salad he realized he had to go to the bathroom, but he had a full leg cast. Maddie was back in her room, he slide off the bed and slid his cast leg behind him as he walked to her bathroom next to the kitchen. The bathroom looked like the rest of her apartment, she had a painting above the toilet of field with a farm house off in the distance, he stared at it as he used the rest room, looking down at the right hand corner was a gold signature of M.E.F in cursive. Madison E. Foster. Leaving the bathroom Maddie was sweeping the floor in the living room. "Your apartment is already clean why are you cleaning?" Maddie looked up from her small pile of dirt "I loose a lot of hair and I open the windows every morning so dirt from outside comes in and when you have shoes on it tracks in dirt" By now he had walked over and sat down on his bed "Why don't you get those robot vacuum things"

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