Chapter 55

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"She's fine James" Jasmine says as she opens her door to see James standing there holding a book in his hand, "I know, but she took only two books and I know she already finished them and this is the next one in her series" handing the book to Jasmine "Text me if anything changes" stuffing his hands in his front pocket giving a tight lip smile walking away.

Closing the door spinning on her heel "Your latest porn subscription is in Mads" walking toward the kitchen to see Maddie eating a bowl of cereal dropping the book down in front of her, "Thanks" pulling her chair out sitting down across from Maddie "Don't thank me thank your boyfriend who is here every morning at 9" going back to eating her oatmeal. 

"I'm going back tonight so I guess I'll thank him then" looking across the table "Four days... almost broke your five day record back in 2018" rolling her eyes at Jasmine "You need to stop running" grabbing her hand "I didn't run I just used up some of my free rent" letting out a sigh "Maddie you ran, you haven't spoken to James in four days. Your 26 now, its time to stop doing that when shit happens"

"You know that's all I know"

"Its not all you know you are just using it as your coping mechanism that you are going to have to stop, make it a few hours and not days, I thought this was going to be like when he accidentally hit you and you were just gone for the night. That was good, go back to that; a night is fine but not these day long runs"

Running her hands through her hair looking at Jasmine who is still holding her hand "I know, I need to stop it. Changing the subject are those people wanting to rent?"

"Yep they are moving in next month, so I'm sorry to say but I got evict you"

"I'll pay double"

"You don't pay anything now" laughing between each other "Worth a shot" shrugging her shoulders "Yep definitely James girlfriend" leaning back in her chair "It's doll actually" taking her last bite of  cereal.

10:00 pm

The elevator door open to her floor looking at door seeing Bucky laying next to her front door, kicking her heels off walking to him when Nat's door open as she walks out looking at Maddie creeping her way to her door "And where have you been missy" she teases in a whisper walking to meet her at her apartment "How long has he been there" looking down at him with his arms over his face blocking out the light in the hallway "Saturday, he figured you would have been back Saturday afternoon and when you didn't he decided to camp out here so he didn't miss you" watching his chest rise then fall "What a simp" unlocking her door with Nat following her in. 

"So you going to tell me where you were" throwing her clothes into the hamper as Nat fell onto the bed "I was at my old apartment complex "

"Barnes went there everyday" 

"I know I was with Jasmine this morning when he dropped off a book" tossing the book on the nightstand "Why were you gone for so long?" undressing in front of Nat grabbing her pajamas "I needed space, when I need space I leave. Done it since I lived with my grandma"

"So this is a regular thing for you?" watching Maddie put on a hoodie and fuzzy socks "Ya, I ran from my grandmas house like 10 times I ran from my first foster home like 5-6 times and I ran before I went to my second foster home" climbing into bed getting under the covers "Why did you run so much?" getting under the covers with her "Grandma was abusive didn't want to be there, my first foster home made it seem like I was an inconvenience for them so I would run to not be, and then when I turned 16 to go to the second foster home I thought they were going to be like the first so I ran and ran and ran" 

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