Chapter 8

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I just had to post, even though I might be posting tomorrow. I have this story all the way until chapter 13 and I want you lovelies to read it so bad. Also I just posted to my ONE SHOT like 10 minutes ago. Its call The Mission I think its very smut but I want your guys opinions so I know if I need to up it or take it down a few. Read that if you want! Alright Ill stop talking enjoy! -Dianne


Back in the gym she uses the fifteen pound weights to do some bicep curls and shoulder presses. The weights weren't heavy for her but just enough to keep her tone. Dropping the weights after a few seats of each she looks over to spot some medicine balls in the corner. Finding a 25 pound ball she walks to the padded area to workout her abs, doing Russian Twists, V-Up, Sit-Ups, and lastly flutter kicks.

Looking down at her phone she notices she has been down in the gym for almost an hour and half thanks to Steve's "training." She spends the last few minutes doing a few sets on the squat rack.

Once she was done she put everything back wiped down where she sat and put the fifteen pounds weights back in the second gym.

It was almost 10:45 when she made it back to her apartment. Kicking off her shoes she headed straight to the shower. Throwing on a over-sized Kings borough Community College sweater and a pair of flowy back shorts she walked to the kitchen to grab a glass of water

"What the?" she says out loud as her foot squishes into something.

Lifting her foot up she noticed she stepped in mud. "How is there mud in here?" she says looking down the hallway noticing small clumps of dirt and mud throughout. "How?" hopping on one foot to the kitchen to grab a napkin to wipe off the dirt. Grabbing the brooms she starts sweeping up the mess. "James, he didn't take his shoes off... this is why I take my shoes off in the house." Finally grabbing her glass of water she turned off all of the lights, crawled into bed and drifted off to sleep.


Grabbing her phone off the nightstand she turned off her alarm. Slowly sitting up in bed she scooted out and made her way to the bathroom. Brushing her teeth and hair and putting on BB cream, Mascara, and a small swipe of sage green eyeshadow to compliment her hazel eyes. Walking over to her closet she pulled out a dark brown over sized turtleneck sweater and a pair of form fitting khaki pants and threw on a black and rose gold Anne Klein watch. Walking back to the bathroom she threw her hair up to a casual bun leaving a few strands of hair out to shape her face. Leaving her room she picked up her black combat boots she just bought. Walking to the kitchen "Shit" she remembered as she didn't have any fruit for her smoothies.

Grabbing the car keys, credit card, and company phone from the counter she threw them into her purse and made her way to the team kitchen hoping there would be some fruit.

Walking in she spotted Sam and Nat standing on either side of the island talking to each other with both a cup of coffee in their hands.

"Hey girl, you look nice" Nat says as she looks Maddie up and down.

"Thanks, you do too"

"Thanks, help yourself to some coffee it a brand new pot"

"She doesn't drink coffee" Sam says as he lifts his mug to his lips

"What? How do you not drink coffee?"

"Just doesn't do anything for me, and that's actually why I'm down here, is there any fruit? I forgot to buy some''

"Pantry," Nat says, pointing over her shoulder. Maddie nods as she makes her way to the pantry, opening the door and stepping inside.

"How did you know she doesn't drink coffee, Wilson?" Nat whispers

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