Chapter 117

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The elevator arriving on the main floor with all the lights dimmed "Why is it so dark in here?" Maddie questions as she steps off with Bucky trailing right behind her also curious on why it's so dark. Walking in seeing the team splattered around the room either on the couch or at the island or sitting at the kitchen table. Everyone bringing their fingers up to their mouth mimicking shh to them then pointing at the couch where Steve was laying down asleep with Willow also asleep on his chest.

Nodding her head waving everyone over to the kitchen away from Steve and Willow "Would someone like to tell me why Steve is wearing James clothes and Willow is sleeping on him?" her voice low but the anger easily being heard. 'You better all choose your words wisely, she said James instead of Bucky when telling you Steve was wearing my clothes. Nat your going to be Natasha, Wanda your going to still be Wanda with your last name attached, Sam is going to be Samuel, Tony is going to be Anthony, Bruce...isn't in the room, Peter...I don't care, Clint you will be Clinton, and Pep-is also not in the room...this should be interesting' coming back to relaity looking at the group all wide-eyed and looking at one another.

"She wouldn't stop crying" Sam is the first to speak "We tried rocking her and it would calm her but she wouldn't fall asleep so we tried looking for medicine for her-"

"You were going to drug my baby!?" her voice raising, Bucky looking over his shoulder at Willow still asleep. "No, I know when my kids were teething we would give them a little bit of baby medicine to help them not be in so much pain so that they could sleep for a little bit. But we didn't find any medicine so we looked for her teethers but they were all warm and weren't frozen so we went to Bruce to see if he had something we could use to flash freeze the teethers so that she could have it but he didn't have anything like that" Clint joining in.

"Ya and then I had an idea about the clothes" Nat now speaking up "So we went back to your place grabbed a shirt and pants of James because Willow loves him so much so we figured she needed something that smelled like him so we got the clothes and put them around her and she didn't like it"

Wanda nodding her head before finally speaking "So then I put your shirt on to mimic you holding her she didn't like it so then we thought she needed a guy to hold her so we went to Steve"

"Why Steve? Why not Clint or Sam?" Maddie questions pointing to them 'So far safe' "We thought another super soldier who is closer to Bucky build would be better"

"Did you try Sam or Clint?" her voice still littered with anger "No we didn't"

"Why not?" looking between Wanda, Sam, and Clint "The chest size" Wanda answers a little nervous "Chest size shouldn't have mattered"

"Thats what I said!" Sam speaks a little too loud, everyone giving him a death stare as they hear Willow make a faint sound. All of them turning seeing Willow wake up "No one move a muscle" Bucky speaks through closed lips as they all watch Willow.

Picking her head up looking at where the sound came from seeing everyone including Bucky who she locked eyes with. Her large eyes on him with her lips parted with the small amount of drool coming from the center of her lips. Turning her head to see Steve under her with his eyes closed. Looking down at her hands tightly gripping the shirt, turning her head back at everyone still frozen but locking eyes with Bucky once more. Looking back at Steve her face pinching as she starts to cry.

Steve shooting awake grabbing the blanket off the back of the couch quickly covering his face not noticing that Maddie and Bucky were back. Cradling her head to press it back down to lay on his chest but she lifts it right back up crying still. Bucky walking over to them "I gotcha pumpkin" lifting her up holding her legs to his chest with her face in his face "Daddy's got you" he speaks softly bouncing her a little making her stop crying.

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