Chapter 1

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[3 Days Ago]

"Ms. Foster, Mr. and Mrs. Stark would like to speak to you in Mr. Stark office as soon as possible" -F.R.I.D.A.Y.

The sound of F.R.I.D.A.Y. a robotic voice echoed through Madison's earpiece as she walked back to her small office. Madison clicks on her earpiece to reply back to Jarvis

"I will be there in 2 minutes"

"Excellent I will Let Mr. and Mrs. Stark know of your arrival time"-F.R.I.D.A.Y.

Madison makes her way to the elevator to head up the Mr. Stark office on the top floor. The elevator door opens showing a large door at the end of the hallway. Mr. Stark's office door was a floor to ceiling Mahogany door. Madison knocks three times waiting for a response 'Come in' a voice sounds from the other side of the door. Madison opens the door and makes her way to the black leather chair placed directly in front of Mr. Stark desk.

Mr. Stark's office was larger than any office Madison had seen in her 7 years of working at Starks Tower. The one wall of the office was floor to ceiling window letting in light all day long. The three other walls were covered in pictures of old Iron Man suits, family pictures, and pictures of the team. The office had a few items of furniture including Mr. Stark's desk, three leather chairs perched in front of the desk. On the opposite side of the room are two maroon couches facing each other with four dark grey chairs placed on either side of the couch pointing towards the glass coffee table. There were a few sculptures placed throughout the office making the room feel less empty.

"You wanted to see me Mr. and Mrs. Stark '' Madison said as she sat herself down in one of the chairs in front of the desk. Tony and Pepper were seated behind the desk with kind eyes watching her take her seat. Tony was wearing a basic spandex long sleeve shirt. Pepper was wearing a black and white gingham dress that had small brown buttons all the way down the middle. Pepper's hair was pulled back into a high bun, wearing her signature ruby red lipstick.

"Yes, we were wondering if you would be interested in another position here." Pepper speaks as Tony looks down at the paperwork in his hands.

"What would this new position be?"

"You would be our daughter's nanny. We've been looking for a new nanny for sometime now, but it's been very nerve racking due to Hydra being active again after 5 years. So we are trying to find someone within the building who has been here for sometime now who will be willing to take on the position-" Tony interrupts Pepper before Madison has a chance to reply. "This new position will be a twenty dollar raise, plus you will be given a room here that is all yours all day everyday even on your days off. Which will be Saturday and Sundays. There might be a few times you will have to work weekends but on those times we will pay you double." Tony finishes speaking looking over to Pepper for anything else to add one, Pepper nods her head at Tony signal that was all.

"I would love to, when can I start?" Madison hated her office job of purchasing. It consisted of dealing with rude managers not wanting to take her seriously for her being a woman until she showed up at the front door of their business with her paperwork signed by Tony stating he needed their material.

"Monday" Tony and Pepper say in unison

"Great, what paperwork do I need to fill out?"

Tony slides over the paper he was holding in his hand along with a pen. Madison happily signs the paperwork and then slides it back to Tony.

"Any questions?"Pepper asks in her polite voice

"Ya, what do I do about my apartment?"

"Whatever you would like, you can leave and move everything here or you can keep it and move back and forth as you like. I can also get someone to help you move your stuff here if you would like" Tony replies as he looks through the paperwork.

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