Chapter 48

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Bruce was running some more tests on Maddie making sure she was getting better and not worse, Maddie was asleep once more as Bruce gave her some medicine to sleep so she could heal without feeling any of the pain, putting her in almost a temporary coma while he picks and prods at her skin. Bucky watches as her blood gets taken into a machine and spun around.

Bruce adds another bag of food to her drip and a new IV bag seeing she was running low, her body soaking up the saline solution increasing her healing time and food intake slowly. Bruce looks up to see Steve walking in, distracting Bucky as he moves over  a piece of plastic over the scale numbers. Writing down the numbers quickly to replace the piece of plastic dropping it to the ground grabbing both Steve and Bucky attention, fumbling with the plastic placing it back on the bed hiding the numbers. Bucky catching his flustered panicked movements walks over to him Bruce taking a step back from the wall of muscles watching him closely.

"Buck lets go get some food for Maddie, I bet she would enjoy one of her favorite smoothie" not even listening to Steve grabbing the piece of plastic off of the bed seeing the red numbers 95.8 lbs (43.4kg)shining in his face. Bruce and Steve looking at each other, Bruce taking another step back holding his clipboard to his body. Bucky stretches his hand out for the clip board. Not wanting to anger the super soldier, he gives the clipboard documenting her calorie intake, her blood pressure, her heart rate, and her weight. Seeing the first number being 94 lbs(42.6 kg), it's been three days and she has only gained a pound and a half. 

Flicking his eyes to his girl laying there, he always noticed her cheeks were more hollow and her shoulders and collar bones were more prompt, her ribs showing more, her spine peaking through her entire back, he saw it but with a number tied to it, it was different. He feels his anger rising and disgust bubbling in him. "Three days and you have only been able to put on a pound and half on her'' slamming the clipboard to his side looking at Bruce "Her stomach can only take in a certain amount each day, any more and she will become sick and her body will eventually throw it up, it has to be in small amount. Right now she is taking in about 1,750 calories a day, to gain one pound she needs to consume roughly 3,500 calories. By the end of the week she should be up to 2,000 calories a day it just depends on her body, if she is up to eat she can eat food but she has to be careful to not make herself sick" he answers looking the super soldier in the eyes only glancing at Maddie everyone once and awhile.

Turning to look at Maddie placing the clipboard back in Bruce's hand he walks to Steve "Watch her, text me when she wakes up" walking out of the room leaving the men to watch and finish up the last bit of work before waking her from her temporary coma. "That could've gone worse" Bruce tried to lighten the mood, "Ya, I was expecting him to explode and his guts to be all over the wall." Finishing up the testing seeing her vitals getting closer to normal, Bruce suspects about two more days before half of her vitals to be back to normal. Waking her up, she slowly comes to, having to pee like she does every time she wakes up for the medicine. Steve held her up, taking her to the bathroom, taking the moment to look at her, seeing the deep bruises on her wrists and the cuts on her knuckles. Helping her back to the bed lifting her up laying her back down as Bruce hooks her back up.

Bucky walking in a few moments later holding a bag of food in one hand and a smoothie in the other, "Unhook her drip, she has real food" smiling at everyone hiding the pure anger inside of him wanting to give everything he has to her to get her weight back up, she was already slim before, this is too slim for him-for her, not liking that she isn't healthy at this weight. Bruce unhooks her drip, closing off leaving the room with Steve.

Taking a seat next to her pulling out the first box of food setting it on her lap handing her a fork "What is it?" she looks at him as he places her smoothie down on the table next to her "Open it and find out" winking at her, chuckling, opening the box to find gnocchi covered in pesto sauce "Gnocchi!" she says with glee smiling over at Bucky  "Yep, now eat up just don't throw up I don't want to clean it up" leaning back in his chair watching her take her first bite moaning at the taste "I forgot how good food was" licking her lips looking at Bucky, with his eyebrows raised at her moan. "I haven't had real food in two weeks I can moan at gnocchi, don't judge me" taking another bite licking her fork clean "And don't say sorry it happened it's in the past" waving her fork around before taking another bite, huffing at her words slumping more in his chair.

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