Chapter 98

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Alright time jumps of course, I know what I am doing...I think, time jumps are starting now and since there is so many time jumps its going to of course go by quick and chapters are going to be longer like 4000 words so it doesn't feel so jumpy...hopefully. That is all enjoy!


Pacing back and forth in the bathroom "There was a faint line yesterday" Bucky says as he watches the clock countdown as Maddie paces behind him. "Ya I know but it could be a false positive" chewing on her lips darting her eyes to the ceramic rubber duck.

A knock on the door startling both of them "Who the fuck is bothering us" he grunts as he storms out of the bathroom. Listening to the front door open then close hearing his footsteps get louder as he walks in with her giant vase of sunflowers and lilies.

"I know you joked about the 1 year anniversary flowers being bigger than you but I couldn't find any florist in a 100 miles that could do that" handing the vase "Thank you" standing on her tippy toes as he leans down holding the back of her head kissing her with passion.

"I love you" she whispers "I love you too" getting down on one knee kissing her stomach "I love you too" chuckling at him "We haven't even looked"

"Because I already know there is one on there" looking up to her right when the timer goes off. Putting the vase down taking a deep breath as he stands up wrapping his arms around her waist resting his chin on to the top of her head. Locking eyes with him in the mirror nodding his head as she looks back down at the upside down test. 

Reaching forward holding it in her hand taking another deep breath letting it out slowly as she flips the test over seeing the two solid red lines. Seeing her smile build on her face knowing it was a solid positive, "Like I said I love you" dragging his hands to late flat on her stomach "and I love you" kissing the top of her head. 

Lifting her head up to look at him in the mirror still with her beautiful smile on her face, "Don't hide it" seeing the worry encasing her eyes. Laying the test down letting her hands swim behind her to hold him to her as she drops the smile and closes her eyes "I'm scared" she whispers out the confession "I know" he whispers back. Being as careful as he could spinning her around lifting her up holding her as she starts to cry. 

"I don't like being scared of my own body" she muffles into his shoulder. Holding her close to his body running his hand up and down her back comforting her. "I want this to work" holding onto him tighter "It will" walking out of the bathroom to her bed laying down pulling the blanket over her. "It might not work...again...and I want it to"

"It will work, I know it will"

"But when?" she sniffles "This will work, it will stay and in 9 months we will have one. They will keep us up all night with the constant want of love from us, they will smile at us when they see us, they babble to us when they get a little older. Its this one, this is the one"

"I hope your right" pulling the blanket over her more 'Me too' kissing her cheek holding her until she was done never letting her go.

"You might want to put more layers on doll, its going to be cold up there" slipping on his thicker jacket. "I'm not going to be able to see if I put on another layer." looking down the hallway at herself in the mirror with her giant jacket on and her large beanie looking 2 sizes to big for her small head. "I have a tank top on and then a long sleeve and then another long sleeve a hoodie and then this jacket I think I'll be okay" slipping her fuzzy covered feet into her boots. "Alright I warned you" taking her hand in his walking out. 

"The beauty makes up for the cold" burying herself in Bucky chest with his jacket wrapped  around her "I told you it was going to cold"

"I know don't need to tell me twice" turning to look at him then out to the sky with different hues painting the sky. The loud sound of the fire pushing into the hot air balloon as they rise higher and higher up. 

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