Chapter 92

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The quinjet touched down on the platform and Bucky was one of the first one out of the quinjet wanting to go see Maddie already knowing what day it was, "Slow down Barnes" Tony announces, "Its almost time for Morgan to get out of school so she isn't even here right now, we need to all go to the conference room do are little thing and by the time we are done she will be here, so take your bags with you to the conference room all of you" looking at the door in front of him knowing he is right but wanting to be there for her the second she walks into the building.

The team all meeting up in the conference room seeing Steve sitting in his spot already looking over his paperwork resting the left side of his face on his hand, "Hey guys" he smiles to everyone walking in, "Hey pal, how's your shoulder?" Bucky says walking over to take his seat next to Steve "Better almost all the way healed up" giving him a quick smile turning back to his paperwork.

"Alright team lets fill out of papers and all the other mumbo jumbo stuff and then you can all go and shower correctly, you all stink more than when Peter got thrown into the sewage" looking over at Peter who was trying to hide himself from everyone.

Everyone filling out their paperwork, Bucky bouncing his leg looking up at the clock every few seconds timing when Maddie would be back. Rushing through his work hearing the conference door click open, everyone turns seeing Morgan running in jumping into Tonys arms "Hey munchkin I missed you" squeezing her tight kissing her cheek. Looking up at the door seeing Happy sending a wave "Hey Happy, where's Maddie?" Tony questions.

"Maddie is in her room" Morgan says looking at Tony, looking down to Morgan with his face pinched confused on why she is in her room, "Why is Maddie in her room and not watching you?" knowing that Happy takes Morgan ever other weekend when they are out of town. "She is really sad, she was crying all night" moving the hair out of her face, Bucky heart sinking knowing all she is thinking about is her mom and dad.

"Why was she crying?" Tony asks helping her move her hair out of her face, "Her and Steve got into a fight and he said stuff that made her cry" everyone looking over at Steve seeing the fear in his eyes as he is locked in with Tony before his gaze goes to Bucky. Bucky face completely blank as he stares at him. Bucky grabbing his hand moving it away from his face seeing the hand print still very noticeable on his cheek. The anger climbing up his body into his face squeezing Steve wrist with his metal hand. "Rogers care to explain your face" Tony says also getting mad, knowing he crossed a line for him to have Maddie hand print on his face from last night. Flicking his eyes to his wrist being crushed then to Tony, barely opening his mouth before Bucky snapped.

Grabbing his neck pulling him up from his seat dragging him out of the conference room. The team following as Tony hands Morgan to Happy taking her away from the situation. Pulling Steve down the hallway towards the other conference room that was almost never used. "Care to explain" squeezing his throat harder speaking through his gritted teeth seeing Steve face getting read from lose of blood flow.

"Watch the soldiers I'll be right back" Tony whispers to Nat walking away going to Maddie. Inserting her code walking in seeing all the blinds were closed along with the curtains with all the lights off. Walking down the hall seeing her door was propped open tapping his knuckle to it "Hey Maddie, it's Tony can I come in?" hearing the blankets shuffle "As long as you aren't firing me" pushing the door open seeing her room was the same as the rest of her place, dark, gloomy, and quiet.

Seeing her sitting up a little bit with a piece of paper in her hand folding it up as he sits down next to her, "How was the mission?" Maddie asks looking down at the folded paper. "It was fine, I am more concerned on what Rogers said to you considering your hand print is tattooed to his face right now." Looking at the side of her face seeing her eyelids were swollen from crying.

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