Chapter 47

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Peter was swinging his way through the buildings trying out his new suit "Hey Mr. Stark its Peter, I'm trying out the new suit on my way to the tower so I'm going to be a few minutes, is that okay?" landing behind a billboard, "That's fine kid, I also added metal to your heels to break glass easier"

"Awesome thanks Mr. Stark, I'll be at the tower in 10 minutes"

"Okay kid" hanging up his phone looking back at the team, "Have we gotten any new leads on Maddie?" looking around the room, Bucky, Steve, and Sam can back 3 days after the stay at the motel finding nothing. Nat stood up holding her notebook "The only thing I found was Jason Dark's credit card report that the lady at the motel Identified and that was on February 7th and as of today, February 22nd there has been no use of that credit card anywhere" sitting back down in her seat.

Bucky stands up leaving the room "I'm going for a walk" he growls leaving the room heading to the lobby making his way down the street towards her old apartment. He hates not working on finding her but he knows he has to stop himself and give his brain a rest, it's been almost a month since she has been gone and everyday he feels she is gone more and more.

The rest of the team was sitting up in the conference room looking at one another "He's going to blame himself everyday until we find her either dead or alive" Clint says looking at the door. "Yep, and then we are going to have a 200 pound super soldier with even more depression living here full of weapons" Tony says rubbing his face "Buck is not going to kill himself, he would've done it along time ago if he was going to when he was the most depressed, not knowing who he is or who he can trust." Steve says looking around them "We might need to put him on suicide watch" Nat chimes in looking at Steve "He's fine he lost someone he loved he is allowed to be depressed"

Shooting his web toward the backyard of the tower slamming his heels into a practice trash can trying out the metal heel. "This is so cool" looking at his dent with a small indent of a spider in the giant dent he created. Removing his mask, tucking it into the suit at the nap of his neck. Walking past the dumpster with bags of trash overflowing surrounding the trash can, picking up the bags on the ground putting them into the dumpster next to the dumpster "How hard is it to walk 5 feet to the right to throw trash away it's not that hard" grabbing one bag in each hand throwing it into the dumpster turning to pick up the next two "Oh my god, I got you I got you"

The elevator door opening "Help! Help! Somebody help" running down the hallways yelling for the team, the team hearing the cries running out to the hallway seeing Peter holding Maddie in his arms. She looked unrecognizable, the small amount of clothes she had on were covered in old blood, her skin blue from the almost freezing temperatures, her hair chopped to her shoulder, bruises covering her face, neck, and chest, small bruises down on her thighs. Steve grabbing her, seeing her eyes barely open, looking up to him squeezing her hands into his chest trying to get warmth.

Running her to Bruce lab laying her on the bed, the team running around finding all the heaters and blankets they could. Maddie looked around at everyone scrambling. Bruce was over her trying to insert an IV, Tony next to her using a warm wash cloth cleaning her face from dirt and trash. The team draped blankets after blankets over her "Where's Barnes?" Tony yells out to the team right in Maddie's ear, wanting to react but too weak to "He left his phone here" Wanda yells walking in with a heater "Wilson go get your bird suit on and go get Barnes  he orders Sam running out of the room. "Hey Maddie can you hear us" moving her eyes over to him, taking it as an answer "We got you, you're safe no one is going to hurt you, you can rest now" pushing her hair back out of her face. Giving up on trying to stay awake, closing her eyes, falling asleep.

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