Chapter 111

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The past few weeks have been great! Bucky nightmares are under control with the patch he puts on every night. The nightmares are few in between he is getting them 2 sometimes 3 times a week which is way better than he first arrived here with the team having them almost every night and most of them being him lashing out and destroying his place.

Maddie feels a huge amount of pressure off of her shoulders knowing he can't suddenly lash out in his sleep or flail his arms causing harm to the baby. She worried a lot about that when the would cuddle. Luckily for Maddie she would have to get up so many times in the night to pee when she would return his arms would be laying next to him away from her belly.

"No fuck it I am not wearing heels I don't care if I can't see, I would probably not be able to see with them on anyways." Throwing her heels back in her closet "Ya I would think you would be done with heels considering your now 36 weeks...what if we put you on those stilts that those circus people walk on" bending down grabbing a pair of sandals for her "I can barely walk barefoot without tripping and you want to put me in stilts? I would look like bowling pins just falling down with them going all over the place" throwing her arms around while kicking her feet out.

Chuckling at her handing her her sandals "Thank you" slipping them on then sliding off the bed giving herself a quick up and down "God I'm big" turning to the side pulling the dress around her stomach tighter to look at her bump "Nah your still pretty small" walking up behind her. "I will admit I'm going to miss having a portable table at all times" placing her phone on her belly.

"I hope she drops this week they say I'm going to feel much better once I do since I won't have so much pressure on my diaphragm. But some woman don't better drop" poking her belly. Slidding his hands down her arms to her belly cupping underneath pulling belly up watching her relax "Okay now stay like that for another 4 weeks and we are golden" speaking lowly feeling very relaxed leaning back on him closing her eyes.

"You got it doll" kissing her forehead. "TIME TO GO!" Wanda yells from the front door "Dam it the 4 weeks are already up" opening her eyes looking up at Bucky "Put your feet on my feet"


"Just do it" looking in the mirror placing her feet on his "Now hold on to my arms" grabbing a hold of his wrists as he turns them and starts taking small steps. Laughing as she does nothing as he holds her belly up and walks. "What the hell?" Wanda says looking at them coming down the hall "Will be doing this for the next 4 weeks don't mind us" Bucky answers as he walks through the front door Wanda has opened.

"Okay but why though?" she follows next to them "Maddie said I need to hold her bump up for the next 4 weeks so that's what I'm doing"

"Your going to hold her stomach up for 4 weeks?"

"Yes I am" stepping into the elevator "I need to find a Bucky to knock me up" she whispers to herself "Just not mine I don't share like that" Wanda turning smiling at Maddie "You would probably kill me if I did"

"You bet your ass I would've and no one would find your body"

"Oh really you think you can hide a body?"

"I know I could, haven't found the really think my mom killed herself" smirking at Wanda seeing her small smile fall from her face "Ya that's what I thought" the doors opening to the garage "Someone protect me from Maddie she is going to kill me"

"That's only if you try to steal Bucky away from me, if you don't your safe nothing more to it"

"Okay why is Bucky walking you like you can't walk?" Tony questions looking at them approaching the cars. "He is holding my bump up and I told him to hold it for the next 4 weeks and its easier to walk like this then try to match our steps"

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