Chapter 40

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"Cheese" everyone saying through their smiles as the flash goes off taking their photos of them in the sweaters, Bucky and Tony were the first to remove their sweaters throwing them as far away as the could, looking around to see Bucky now completely shirtless with sweat dripping down his chest, "It is a billion degrees" walking out the front door falling into the snow cooling himself off. Steve followed as well removing his sweater sweat coating his back falling next to Bucky. "Hey Steve?" Maddie says stepping outside "Ya?" opening one eye to look at her"Did you bring your shield?" sitting up to look at her "It's in my room" running back into the house grabbing his shield then running back outside "Do you think this would hold me?" holding the shield up taking up almost her entire body "Babe, you literally weigh barely over a hundred pounds, I have hit that shield with everything I had and it didn't even budge. So it will be able to hold you" sitting up next to Steve

A big smile formed on her face as she ran down the steps running past them. Leaning forward she jumps into the shield sledding down to the side of the driveway, laughing the entire way down. Bucky playfully rolls his eyes watching as her frame becomes smaller and smaller. Seeing the black dot of her getting bigger as she comes running back up the driveway "This is way better than tubs, it glides like it's on air" Steve and Bucky give each other a look, both of them standing up walking towards her.

Watching as two shirtless super soldier walking towards her feeling she is about to be in some weird snow kink porno movie, "Put the shield on the ground like you would sled in it" doing as Steve said she dropped it to the ground looking back up at Steve "Now sit in it and hold onto the straps" doing as she told she plops down in the shield grabbing the worn straps with her dainty cold hands. Steve bends down and picks up the shield, looking over at Bucky with her head tilted to the side confused on what's going on "Don't let go of the straps" spinning her head back around giving him a worried nod not knowing what is going to happen.

Bringing the shield around his upper body tossing the shield over the Bucky, which he passes it back to Steve "Ok this is gliding on air" she giggles as they step further and further apart. "I feel like I am in a ball in a pinball game" laughing as they start throwing faster and harder. Steve now has the shields aiming it for the ground, seeing it too late to object to her body and the shields are heading to the ground skimming the snow before gliding back up. Her eyes were huge looking into Bucky's "I thought I was going to be sent to hell " chuckling pushing air out of his nose "You would never be allowed in hell doll" tossing the shield back to Steve the same way he tossed it to him.

Back in Steve's hand she looks over at the tree closest to them "Throw me at the tree"

"I am not doing it" quickly stating "If you got hurt Tony would kill me"

"What on earth did she say now?" Bucky asks walking towards them after seeing her head turned to the side and Steve shaking his head knowing she had some sort of bad idea in her head. "She wants me to throw the shield with her in it at the tree" looking up to Bucky, Bucky now looking at his girl with a puppy eyes "Tony would kill us if you got hurt"

"Ya that's what Steve said, but if I am hurt I get time off work so it's a win-win and I am starting my period soon so I can relax and not have to do anything." throwing her arms in the air like the best thing on earth. "Throw it, throw it, throw it" she starts chanting looking between Steve and Bucky, grabbing the shield from Steve gently tossing it, hitting the tree and bouncing back to them "Ya don't do that again, my stomach flipped and not in a good way"

Removing her hands from the straps holding her stomach "Great she's a dog now and we have to unflip her stomach throw it again Buck" Steve says with sarcasm lacing it, quickly moving to get out of the shield grabbing onto Bucky neck wrapping her legs around his upper chest. Steve lets out a belly laugh slapping his hand to his chest. Readjusting the shield to hold it in front of him laughing with Steve, his metal hand coming up holding Maddie up, turning her head to see Steve laughing and a hand print on his bare chest. "You know you don't look bad with the shield Buck"

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