Chapter 11

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Maddie walked into her apartment closing the door and locking it and slamming her back on the door. Staring straight ahead thinking about what just happened, the man who she hates and who hates her, and he just tried to make a move. Everything was blurry the only thing that wasn't was his face. She could feel his hands on her but she couldn't move her eyes to look at his hands. Once he stood back up she felt frozen, like if she moved she would be grabbed. Thinking about his eyes now they didn't seem empty they seemed like he had happiness in him, he was happy he was looking at her.

Finally moving to her bedroom she grabbed a pair of loose fitting sweatpants and a tie dye sweater, and made her way to the team floor. Walking in the chefs were boiling the Gnoochi and everyone else was sitting at the table. Walking over the table there was only one spot left and it was next to James.

"Miss Foster you can have my seat if you would like, I know you and Barnes aren't on good terms" Vision says. "Oh, thank you Vision" she made her way over to Vision spot and Vision took the spot next to James. James kept his head down not looking at Maddie.

Dinner was served everyone talked about thir day and Maddie kicking Nats ass in the gym.

"Since the Soldier Assassian Choker won she gets a prize" Tony speaks up walking towards Maddie with his hands behind her back. "Dinner wasn't the prize?" she questions "Nope" Tony says standing next to Maddie now handing her an envelope. Looking at it confused she grabbed the enevlope and opened it.

"Wait what is this" she says looking at Tony

"Well what is it?" Steve say from the opposite side of the table pretending like he doesn't know what is in it. She reaches in and pulls out a wad of cash.

"You are now four hundred richer" Tony speaks

"Why are you paying me now? I usually get paid on Friday"

"This is for winning the fight"

"Wait, what? Why would I get paid to fight?"

"It was a bet, it was suppose to go to Steve because he said you were going to win, but he gave it to you instead"

"Oh so this is how you are paying me for those smoothies" Maddie chuckles out

"You can say that" Steve laughs back

Everyone ended up going to bed after a few more hours.

Back in her apartment, Maddie was just about to fall asleep when there was a knock on her door. She got up and walked to the door, looking through the peep hole stood James he was looking around the hallway. She continued to watch him not wanting to deal with him, whether it be his attitude or his urges she wanted no part in it. His hand came up to knock again but stopped, dropping his hand he walked away. Still looking through the peephole she waited until she heard the elevator. Her shoulders relaxed and she went back to bed.

The rest of the week went by great for Maddie, she had a few errands to run for Tony and Pepper. Morgan is doing great in school and in her dance class. The team has been back and forth from the tower to press conferences for interviews.

Today was Saturday and everyone was at the tower except for Morgan. Maddie took Morgan to her grandparents house for the weekend and Happy would pick her up Sunday. Throwing on some black biker shorts and a thin hot pink long sleeve. She walked into her kitchen to make herself and Steve a smoothie. Just as she was about to start the blender a loud BANG rang through her ears and the entire apartment went dark only having the light coming in through the window. Walking out into the halls they were also dark. "What is going on?" she said to herself walking down to Nats door. knocking on the door. No answer.

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