Chapter 124

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"You going to tell us what you three did to Maddies' dad or are we going to see it on the news?" Wanda questions once they all arrive at the house. The boys all looking at one another "If you have forgotten I am an assassin"

"Ex! Ex assassin" Maddie corrects him. "...ex assassin...I know how to hide a body the news will never know" readjusting the diaper bag "Barnes you did not kill him" Nat shaking her head "Ask star spangle banner boy and C3PO" walking up the stairs with most of the luggage.

"Did he?" Nat whispers to Maddie "I don't know but if he did I truly don't want to know if he is still breathing or not cause in my head he's always been dead" following Bucky up the stairs to put Willow down for a nap.

Everyone turning their attention to Steve and Tony "Well?" Sam being the first to ask "Let's just say his face looked very much disfigured and then Bucky hauled him off somewhere in the compound and we weren't able to see it on the security cameras so we have no clue" Tony waving his hands around. "Should we keep an eye on him then....he did just possible kill someone"

"Probably" Steve nods as he picks his bag trudging up the stairs. "I SAID I DON'T WANT TO KNOW!" Maddie yells right when Steve passes by their door. "WELL I THINK YOU SHOULD KNOW!"

"CAUSE YOU KNOW WHATS BEST FOR ME?" Steve dropping his bags down still being able to hear the yelling. Stepping out of the room seeing everyone in the hallway listening to them fighting.

"Stopping be snoopy everyone go downstairs let them hash it out" trying to shoo everyone down the stairs when Willow starts crying "LOOK WHAT YOU DID!" They both yell at the same time to one another "WHAT I DID! NO YOU DID IT!" Yelling at the same time once again.

Steve taking a deep breath before opening the door seeing Willow crying in her crib. Bucky and Maddie not even seeing him come in too busy yelling at each other. Lifting Willow up taking her out of the room.

Closing the door behind him holding crying Willow as she buries her face in his chest. "It's okay" lightly bouncing her as he walks down the stairs with everyone following.

"Mmmm-Aaa" she cries out reaching behind Steve "Your mom will be down soon" moving her away from the yelling.

"Mmmmm-aaaaa" crying out again "Do we have any bottles ready?" Steve asks looking around at everyone. Nat Jogging to the fridge "No there's nothing"

"I'll go check the car for some food and maybe Buckys sweater" Wanda running out of the house.

Returning a moment later "There's nothing but I got Buckys sweater" tossing it at Steve as he hands her off to Sam while he slips the sweater then retaking Willow.

"Da-da!" Crying while pointing up the stairs. Everyone freezing in their spots staring at Willow then at one another "We do not tell them that she said her second word!" Steve pointing his finger at everyone as they all quickly nod their heads all in understanding.

"Da-da dada" she cries and cries trying to get out of Steve hold. "You can see you dad in a little bit" swaying her side to side. Moving over laying down on the couch having her lay on his chest "Someone get a throw blanket and cover my face" Nat quickly throwing a blanket from the other couch onto his face.

Laying her head down on Steve chest as she continued to cry "It's okay" Steve hushes. The door upstairs slamming shut as they listen to the sound of heavy foot steps March down the stairs as Bucky comes into view.

"Hey pumpkin" pushing his hair back now speaking how he normal does "Da-da" pausing his steps as he sees Willow head peaking over the couch looking with tears in her eyes.

A smile growing on his face before pure fear "Don't tell Maddie" shooting his hands looking at everyone all nodding their heads. "Don't tell Maddie what?" Maddie now walking down the stairs seeing everyone turn their attention to her other than Bucky who's back is facing her and arms still out.

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