Chapter 19

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TRIGGER! Look at the background if you see something you would like to not read send me a message and I will tell you what chapter that certain trigger is in and I will give you a summary of what happened in the chapter without diving into the trigger. You have been warned.


"Mom? Mom?" she questioned as she walked around the second floor of her house. "Mom?" she knocks on her moms door, listening for an answer, opening the door she peaked inside not seeing her. Walking in she heads to the bathroom door "mom?" as she knocks on the door, opening the door finding no one. Looking around her moms room the bed was made and her slippers weren't at the side of the bed and her closet door was closed, showing that she had already gotten up. She walked out of the room and headed down the stairs, walking towards the kitchen she asked again "mom?" she rounds the corner to the old 70s style kitchen with the wooden cupboards, yellow subway tiles and a solid dark yellow counter top. She looked over at the coffee maker seeing it empty and off which is very unusual for her mom, since she had to be at  school early that day, she throws the coffee grounds into the coffee maker and starts it up. Grabbing a coffee cup from the cupboard above she placed it down next to the coffee marker, then going towards the fridge to get her moms creamer. While at the fridge she grabs a small orange and bring it with her back to the coffee maker. Hoping onto the counter she peels the orange and begin to eat it, the coffee maker dings letting her know the coffee is ready, taking a bite of the last slice of orange she throws the outer shell of the orange into the garbage disposer. Pouring the coffee and creamer into the cup, putting the creamer back in the fridge she sees her moms weekly medicine case sitting there, looking at Monday she sees her mom hasn't taking her anti-depressants for that day, she opens the case grabbing her medicine and coffee. She glances around the kitchen before making her way through the rest of the house, heading to the back of the house where her mom crafting room was "Mom, we need to leave to leave soon. I have morning detention and I can't be late" as she walks toward the back of the house she looks out of the window and pauses in her footsteps, squinting her eyes to get a better look "mom...?" she walks closer to the window trying to get a closer look, her eyes widen dropping the coffee and pill onto the floor "Mom!" she lets out a blood curdling scream

She jumps from her sleeping sitting straight up in bed looking around seeing it is still dark outside. Her breathing is panicked as she looks around seeing her room, making a note of everything she is seeing, dresser, mirror, alarm clock, TV, closet door. Her breathing comes down to normal and she looks over at the clock 3:47 in red looking right at her. She rubs her eyes and grabs her phone off of the nightstand, tapping the screen she sees a notification Moms 13 year anniversary slamming the phone back down on the nightstand she looks up at the ceiling, hoping this year will be different, but she doubts it.

She watches as the sunlight starts peaking through the windows just as her alarm goes off, she hits snooze and continues to look up at the ceiling, her eyes haven't left the ceiling since 3:47 and its now 6:45. She stays that way till 7:10 before getting up throwing on a pair of sweatpants and a baggy hoodie. She brushed her teeth and hair and threw her hair into a bun, she looked awful, she had dark circles under her eyes from not sleeping and her eyes looked empty with no life behind them. She grabs her slippers from under her bed and walked down to the kitchen and got a glass of water, she didn't have the energy to make her morning smoothie. Grabbing her purse she headed to Starks floor to pick up Morgan. Opening the door she was greeted with Morgan running around the corner for her morning hug "Good morning Maddie" she say cheerfully "Morning Morgan, how did you sleep?" she asks with a smile on her face even though she felt like death on the inside "Good, where you're cute clothes?" as she looks her up and down. Feeling like shit already, she felt like bigger shit now "I forgot to do laundry yesterday, so I have no cute clothes to wear" Morgan nods and runs to her room to put her shoes on.

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