Chapter 122

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"We have an unconscious baby" the nurse shouts with the Willow in her arms. A set of nurses running out of nowhere to check the as they move to a room "16 week old girl, mom found her unconscious in her crib" the nurse pulling the stethoscope from around her neck checking for a heartbeat as the other nurse strip the clothes off of Willow.

"Ma'am you need to tell us what happened" a male nurse pacing back and forth with Maddie who they stopped from going into the room "I told you I went to go check on her because the monitor went out and she wasn't breathing! How many times do I have to tell you!" tears pouring down her face as she tries to get around the male nurse.

"Did you harm your baby at all" doing his best to not lay a hand on Maddie as she continues to try and get past him "No I would never hurt her let me in there with her please! I need to see what they are doing with her"

"They are trying to asset why she is unconscious right now" keeping his voice calm trying to relax Maddie "I need to be in there with her I am her mom I gave fucking birth to her I need to know what is happening to her" pushing past him finally running down the hall to the room she was put in "SECURITY!" the nurse yells as he runs after Maddie.

A large security guard stopping Maddie from continuing into the room "That's my baby you can't stop me from seeing my child!" trying to now get pass the guard. "Ma'am where is her father?"

"I-I don't know and it doesn't matter right now I need to know what they are doing with her!" the guard placing his hands on Maddie walking her away from the door "Stop I need to know if she is alive! Please I want to know if my baby is breathing please!" her sobs filling the entire floor attracting staff and patients to look at the commotion.

"Hi I'm Elizabeth from Child Protective Services" placing her hand on Maddie shoulder "I didn't hurt my baby, I wouldn't ever hurt her! There is nothing she could do for me to hurt her! I-I"

"Where is her father?" Elizabeth asking "I don't know! I just need to know if she is going to make it!"

"Is her father in her life?" speaking as calm as possible trying now to calm Maddie "Yes he is in her fucking life I wouldn't get pregnant if I knew the dad would run out!"

"How about we go and sit down and we can talk" gesturing to a set of open seats "There's nothing to talk about except if my child is alive you can question me after I know she is okay. I never laid a hand on her that would cause harm!" unable to see through her tears "Can you tell us what happened which lead to you finding her unconscious"

"I did find her unconscious! I was cleaning my pump and I looked over at the monitor and noticed it wasn't on and I clicked it on and I seen it wasn't working so I went to check her and I noticed she wasn't breathing!"

"Which way was she laying?" writing down on her little red notebook "On her back I don't have her sleep on her stomach because of SIDS" wiping her tears away as she looks to the room Willow was taken into "Did she have a blanket on her or near her?"

"No she was in her footie onesie since its cold outside and I-I had the small heater on in her room to make sure it wasn't too cold for her" looking down at her notebook as she writes "How hot is it in the room "70 (21C) I don't let it get any hotter and its on a timer 3 minutes on 7 minutes off, it never goes above 70 and never below 66, and she sleeps with it like that since it got cold" her breathing finally coming down to being steady.

Turning her head hard to Elizabeth "Can you please go check on her please I-I need to know if she breathing, if I'm going to walk out of her with my breathing baby I-I need to know please!" the tears still flowing down her face landing on her tank top. Standing there in just a tank top and sweatpants. No shoes or coat to keep her warm in the 50 (10C) degree weather.

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