Chapter 109

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Dragging himself out of bed seeing Maddie still curled hugging her giant pillow. Looking over at the clock seeing its only 7 and he barely got into bed at 5 after Sam needed help rearranging his place not liking how he did it beforehand.

Making his way to the bathroom to get ready for the day and for Maddie doctors appointment. Hoping in the shower blasting the hot water over him waiting for his mind to wake up. Barely stepping out of the shower when Maddie came in waddling as fast as she could "I have to pee the baby is playing tug of war with my bladder."

Lifting Bucky shirt pulling her panties down sitting down on the toilet letting out a big sigh "How did you sleep doll?" walking over to the sink brushing his teeth "Good I had few Braxton hicks that woke me up throughout the night but overall it was good"

"Are you sure it wasn't contractions?" turning to look at her still brushing his teeth. "They don't hurt so I don't think they are contractions" now standing up to wash her hands. "How did you sleep?" tracing her hands over his abs "I slept alright I only got a few hours, Sam was nit picking everything like he was Tony, I think he is rubbing off on him"

"Maybe he had a girl coming over?" shrugging his shoulders "Who knows I didn't feel like asking" spitting his toothpaste out rinsing her mouth out "Do you still want to go with me to the appointment?"

"Never going to miss an appointment doll" kissing the top of her messy hair "Okay, well today's appointment is at 8:30 they didn't have 10:30 like usual"

"Okay anything you want for breakfast"

"I was just going to have cereal I'm not too hungry this morning" grabbing her toothbrush placing toothpaste on top "Okay I'll go make you bowl." walking away throwing some clothes on making his way to the kitchen making Maddie cereal, cleaning out the litter box, and put down some food for Alpine.

Waddling her way out to the couch "My feet are starting to swell" doing her best to massage her swollen feet. Walking over with her cereal grabbing a pillow placing it on the couch for her to use to elevate her feet "Thanks" putting her feet up as Bucky sits next to her letting her rest on his side while they eat their breakfast.

"So I was thinking we could do a movie marathon
that way it keeps him up for awhile"-Steve

"That might work, anything with Will Ferrell will
definitely keep him up"

"Okay so we will put on a Will Ferrell movie any
other movies he would want to watch?"-Nat

"No horror, he hates them he says they aren't
realistic enough for him"

"How about a Kevin Hart movie? He is
pretty funny"-Wanda

"Or Melissa McCarthy?"-Sam

"All of those will work I'll send a groupchat in the regular
groupchat so it doesn't seem to weird"

"Sounds good!" -Pepper

Doing her best to stay awake making sure Bucky stays awake seeing him nodding off every once awhile quickly shifting to wake him up. The team all watching Bucky out of the corner of their eyes laughing loudly when they see his head fall to wake him back up.

Bucky eventually passing out 2 am, "Shit, what do we do?" Maddie whisper yells looking at the team "We'll wake him up and then have him go to bed and I can wake him up at 7 to go to the gym with me" Sam suggest "That's 5 hours he is use to running on 5 hours can you do 5 am?"

"Maddie its 2 am I don't want to get 3 hours of sleep as well" holding his hands to his chest "Anyone other suggestions" pushing herself up to stand "I would try to take him but he will probably kill me" Steve says dusting the popcorn off of him.

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