Chapter 32

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Waking up in the position they fell asleep in, James was the first to wake up in a small panic flicking his eyes around the room trying to remember where he was, looking over to the window seeing it was still dark outside he flicked his eyes over to the clock reading 4:53 am. Taking a deep breath waiting for his eyes to adjust to the darkness he looked at Maddie, her head rest now on his chest, her mouth slightly opened, with a small amount of drool falling from her lips, chuckling to himself knowing she slept good, she always drools when she sleeps good. Removing his one hand from her lower back rubbing his eyes removed the eye crust. Reaching for his phone he went to the camera app, setting it up to face him he turned the flash on hoping it wouldn't wake her taking a selfie of them, he still doesn't understand why it's not just called a picture but she says selfie so he says it now, looking at the photo he could see her face squished on his chest and her hand holding tightly to his dog tags.

Putting his phone down next to him, he moved his hand back to her lower back, holding her once again, pressing a light kiss to her head, laying his head back down trying to get a few more hours of sleep.

Waking up to the feeling of something rubbing on his chest he flicked his eyes open to find Maddie frozen looking at him with her lips pulled together in a tight pucker that she got caught, she was holding a small rag in her hand that was on his chest, "I drooled on you, sorry" unfreezing herself finishing drying him off "I know" he laughs watching her "How do you know?" tilting his head pulling her towards him to sit on his lap "I woke up earlier and I seen you had drooled on me" cringing at herself, his hands coming up cupping her face bringing their faces closer "It just means you slept good" kissing her "But that means you had a nightmare..." her voice getting quieter at the word nightmare, he nods his head "but it's okay, it happened it passed" she grabs his hands off of her face kissing both of his palms and then kissing his forehead "You want to talk about it?" She questions like she is his therapist "I'll save you the horror, but it was the chair, that's all I'm going to say and nothing else"mimicking zipping and locking his lips. "Okay, and you are too much, and I can't kiss you if you lock your lips" quickly unlocking and unzipping his lips smashing his face into her bending her backwards over his legs, "You are lucky I am somewhat flexible or you would break my back" she giggles looking up at him "I break your back in other ways" winking at her. Her face flushing like always when he is being so sexually forward "Blush blush blush is what your face and body will do when I'm done with you" landing a large kiss on her neck, tilting her head back to give him more room, moving his hands underneath her sweatshirt moving to her breast, a chill running up her back from the cold touch of his metal hand.


"Ah yo Buck we are leaving to go get breakfast in 15 minutes hurry your ass up" Sam voice seeping through the door. Watching his shadow walk away from underneath the door "Next time doll" bringing his head up kissing her cheek then lips "If we ever go public I am putting a sock on the door at all times" sitting up as James moves off of her "A sock?"

"A sock on the doorknob is a universal sign saying that the people in the room are bangin" now standing up air thrusting to him as he sits on the bed chuckling at her "Go get ready before I make us late and suspicious" he points to the door, she winks at him turning to the door peeking out seeing no one slipping to her room, finding Nat digging through he drawers "What are you doing?" looking at her with one eyebrows raised "Hey sorry, I'm looking for that green sweater you have, I seen you wear it the first night and I wanted to wear it to breakfast" walking over she opens the bottom draw pulling it out handing it to her"

"Why do you have it in the bottom drawer?"

"I put all the clothes I've already worn in the bottom drawer so I keep my clean clothes separate from my dirty clothes till I go home"

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