Chapter 34

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"Look at this princess" Jasmine voiced echoed seeing Maddie and Morgan dancing in the hallway of the team floor with it all designed to look like ball. Maddie was dressed up in a suit while Morgan was in a bright blue and pink dress swaying with Maddie hips. "May I have this dance" extending her hand out to Morgan which she happily took, Jasmine twirling her around. "I must say your gorgeous darling, what is your name?" Jasmine asks with her voice deepened, "I am princess Eliana" glancing over at Maddie mouthing the words 'I didn't tell her' looking back down at Morgan "Well that is gorgeous name princess Eliana, say what are you doing tomorrow evening I was wondering if you and your prince over there would join me for dinner?"

"Where at?"

"I was thinking Chuck E. Cheese" Morgan face lighting up "Yes please I would like that  "trying to spin Jasmine around. The song finished and Morgan and Jasmine bowed to each other. The elevator door opens to Peter with his backpack on and algebra book in hand. "PETER" Morgan squeals, running over and jumping into his arms "Hey there baby Stark, you playing princess?" she nods her head pushing her hair back "I am princess Eliana of Orange Slices Tower"

"Wow, can I be the prince of Orange Slices Tower?"

"No, prince Mason is already prince of Orange Slices Tower" points to Maddie. "Well better luck next time then" placing Morgan on the ground walking over to Maddie "Hey Pete, you having trouble with algebra again?" lifting his book up "Ya, always. Our midterm is coming up and it's on all of the chapters we have gone over and I feel like I can't remember them anymore" grabbing his book from his hand pulling out the piece of paper in between the page, a study guide, "Lets go to one of the offices and we can use the white board and we can go over all the questions and I can make other problems to help you"

"That would be great, thanks Mads"

"Of course let me go get out of this suit and we can start" he nods his head and makes his way to the first office "Jasmine are you okay with watching Morgan for a little bit while I help Peter?"

"Ya of course"

"Thanks, I told her I would take her to go get lunch after we finished playing so can you take her, I also promised her frozen yogurt after lunch" Jasmine giving her a thumbs up seeing Morgan dancing with a giant doll talking to it, "Alright Morgan, Jasmine is going to watch you while I help Peter okay?"

"Okay" quickly changing out of her suit she put on some sweatpants and a tank top and went back down to Peter who as the phone "Hey I got to go I'll talk with you later" amused by how quickly he hung up the phone "Girlfriend?"grabbing his study guide and started writing out the first question "No it was my friend Ned" finishing writing down the question she grabbed a box of markers placing them on the desk "Gotcha, let's start with this question, you tell me step by step how you solve it and then if its wrong I will show you how to solve it next to it and you can see it side by side, step by step and see where you are making your mistake" he nods her head pulling out a piece of scratch paper from his backpack.

After 10 questions he only missed 2 of them which she marked down on his paper to return back to later. Finishing up problem 11 her phone rings. Plums. Without even thinking she answered it "Hello"

"Hey how are you doing"

"Doing good just helping Peter with algebra"

"Playing teacher I see"

"And prince, Morgan wanted to play prince and princess today" writing down the next problem looking between the paper and board "How is it going over there"

"It seems to be getting better less fatalities on the good side, more on the bad side so it's getting better I would say"

"That's good you guys can come home soon."

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