Chapter 89

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HEADS UP! I AM NOT POSTING ON WEDNESDAY! Pam and Tommy is coming out and I have a full day of school so there will be not post on Wednesday for this week, there will be posting monday-friday next week, that is all. 

Thanks you for 29.7k reads!!!!! (J31)


Laying on the couch watching TV waiting for the time to pick up Morgan, the team has already been gone for almost two weeks and Happy is giving Maddie the weekend off, It was Friday and she had plans with Olive, Jasmine, John and Ross.

Maddie was spending the night at Jasmine apartment complex along with Olive. Jasmine was kicking her boyfriend out for the weekend just for them, hearing a quick knock on her door yelling come in knowing it was Happy, "Hey Madison"

"Hey Happy" watching him walk over sitting on the couch "Tell me everything I need to do" slapping his hands down on his legs "Okay, Morgan wakes up around 7:30 on the weekends and goes to bed at 7:30 at night as well, I do let her stay up an extra 30 minutes every once and awhile when her parents are gone. Breakfast is either pancakes or cereal, she hates breakfast burritos or sandwiches. She does have a play date tomorrow at her friend Tiffany house I will send you the address, it is from 11 to 1, you can just drop her off and pick her up at 1 you don't need to wait there for her. No medicine right now, overall that's it she will of course tell you when she is hungry."

"Sounds easy enough" smiling looking at Maddie, "I like what you did with the place" looking around the room, "Thanks I got bored the last time they left and Morgan was with her grandparents, also do you think you could feed Alpine on Saturday night? I'll leave dry food out for her but she eats wet food at night and just refill the dry"

"Ya I can do that, where did you get her name from anyways?" looking at Alpine sleeping in the corner on her bed, "Bucky found her under a pine tree in Europe and the pine tree was at the base of the Alps, so we just combined them"

"That's cute"

"Ya" leaning forward looking at Alpine sleeping with her tail curled all around her laying in her ear. "I can take her at 5 if that is alright?"

"Ya that's fine I'll take her to her place at 4:45 and I'll give her a bath before hand" nodding his head, "Great well I have a meeting in 10 so I'll see you later" letting himself out.

"Okay bye Morgan I'll see you Sunday night" squatting down hugging Morgan "Have fun spending the night at your friends house" she glees into her ear. They wave bye and Maddie goes to her place feeding Alpine her dinner and giving her more dry food and filling her water dish. Taking her bags going straight to Jasmine.

The boys ended up cancelling on them so it turned into a girls night. Getting themselves ready for the night to go to the club, "Do you think we are getting too old?" Olive says putting her fake eyelashes on, "Its because you won't settle down and all the young guys are coming in and they are gross" Maddie says walking into the bathroom taking her shot of Fireball handing Jasmine and Olive their shot glasses.

"Sorry I haven't found the right guy"

"It's because you open your legs and go off dick game and not personality or anything else" Jasmine says taking her shot, "Well if you know any guys that have tats and have a 7 inch cock and is actually a good guy send them my way" taking her shot. "What about Sam you two have hooked up like 3-4 times?" Maddie says sitting on the toilet waiting for them to finish up.

"Sam is nice but I feel weird that he has slept with you"

"YOU SLEPT WITH CHARLES TWO WEEKS BEFORE WE MET!" throwing her arms in the air, "You have slept with two of the five guys I have slept with"

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