THE END Part 1

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Unnati's POV

Zindagi kitni ajeeb hai kabhi hasati hai aur kabhi rulati hai. Pose, sorry dairy that is not the actual Unnati you know so let's introduce the actual one now.

So, hello back my friend, talking to you after long but what to do I am so busy nowadays. Anyways, as I was saying life is actually very difficult to judge and understand. 

I never thought that the passion that people used to call as cheap and something that was not known as the career itself would give me everything. Yes, I am talking about dance. 

Dance, my love, has given me everything. From fame to friends and my journey in this world could have been non-existence without it. Today, I have everything because of it. 

I got a supporting and loving family. They are my life, are those people that God chose for me and I can't thank him enough for such wonderful people that he brought into my life. My family gave me to dance and dance gave me my life.

I never thought that one day I would be known as a dancer in the whole world. And all this is thanks to my family. Dance gave me something else, yes I know you were waiting for their mention, but the truth is dance brought them to me. And they are,


This is not only a group of people who stay together but this is a group of people who live and support one another. Truly, the right I was given by God to choose my friends was used really well. They are my family, a family that I chose for myself. Yes, we are not perfect together, yes we have a lot of things that differ from each other but what makes us be united is love. True love.

When people used to say that friends that you make at one stage of your life won't stay with you in the other stage of life, well that is not true because sometimes you make friends that stay with you through the thick and thin.

And when I talk about, damnfam is my life then there is someone who is my world. My whole existence is him, and that is no one other than Mr Mnv.

He came to my life when I needed just a backbone and he stayed in it as my heart. He is my life and more.

Well, I know you must be wondering that ohh that sounds like a fairytale and we are both happy with each other. Truly, we are but our life is not that perfect like it sounds. There have been days when we fought, days where we ignored one another and days when we were on the verge of leaving it all but what always made us forgive one another is trust. Because truly, trust in a relationship is higher than love.

A fun incident that I can remember about us, is when after 10 days of our wedding I had to leave for New York. After my win at Nach, I had applied to a dance school in New York and on the day of my reception function, I got an acceptance email which meant I had to leave.

You must be wondering that why Manav or anyone from my family did not stop me. Well, they just let me go and live my dream, they basically stood by me as my support. Not only did I live after 10 days but also the program was 1 year long.

Yes,  1 whole year I had to stay away from him. But we made it through it. We did everything possible for our long-distance relationship to work and not so surprisingly it did work. It's not like I stayed in New York for a whole year without seeing him, I did visit India twice. 

Once for vacation while the other time was for AkTk and Aasan's wedding. Oh, that wedding was fun, we had it in Goa.

By the beach where Aasan exchanged their vows while AkTk had a complete Muslim wedding. That was a blast. And then soon after the two couples of our group got married, Addy finally got the guts to propose to Esha.

So, after I finished my course. I obviously got busy organizing my GG and Esha's wedding. The two opted for a south Indian wedding that followed a Punjabi wedding.

You must be wondering what happened to Rishu well he and rhea are still in a live-in relationship waiting for the right time.

So, yeah here I am after three years of my wedding with the people I love. We all still stay at the damnfam mansion and now we also have new guests who stay with us. You must be wondering who, right?

Well, they are none other than Junior damnfam members. Yes, last year AkTk were blessed with a cute baby boy called Jahaan while Aasan is now the proud parents of two cute girls Jiah and Raina.

This three have managed to keep all of us on our toes. They are our princesses and prince. I am Jiah and Raina's Godmother so they call me Badi ma while Jahaan calls me Bua.

I know you must be wondering what about me. Well, that is a secret for next time. Now I need to am getting late for Arsh's wedding ceremony.

So, bye......

Okay, guys on special demand....

The new chapter of Unnav For Life is up....

See, you soon with a new story and a new chapter of Unnav For Life.

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