part 56

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It was evening already when the gang reached home. They decided to have a nice bonfire today and enjoy some nice barbeque. Since they have been having meals outside so the gang had not organized for a chef or any other bits of help.

Therefore, the gang decided to cook for today. The girls were doing the chopping inside while Addy and Manav were setting up the grills for the barbeque.

Tanzeel and Arsh were bringing out the woods for the bonfire while Rishu and Neerja were preparing for some games that they will play.

Soon the girls brought all the cooking stuff outside, like the meat and chicken so that it can be grilled while Manav was asked to help them with the things. Unnati then went inside to chop the potatoes for the fries.

She was doing so when she heard some voice from outside, switching off the frier for a while she rushed out to see what is happening there.

She saw that Ashi was cutting some vegies that would be grilled and cut herself also. Unnati just went inside the house and brought the first aid kit.

On the other side, ever since Ashi cut herself Tanzeel was just stressing over her. He had literally held her hand and was not letting anyone see her.

Unnati came with the first aid and seeing Tanzu so scared she knew that she had to move him away from there since Tanzu cannot see blood.

U-Tanzu move to the side and let me treat her wound

T-No i won't leave her

U-Tanzu the cut is a small one let me treat it now.

T-But Unsu

U-Just let me do it

Unnati gave a stern look to Tanzu due that he moved aside and Unnati cleaned up Ashi's wound.

All this while Tnazeel was the only one who was panicking the others including Ashi were just quiet. Soon Unnati treated Ashi's wound and then told Tanzeel to relax.

Tanzeel then went towards Ashi and asked her.

T-Are you fine?

A-Yes i am don't worry.

T-Now you don't do anything just relax

A-But everyone is working so why not me

T-I told you that you won't work and that is final. We will all work you just relax.

Aa-Yes Ashi and anyways the food is almost ready.

U-Yes i just need to fry the fries so let me go do that while Manav is everything ready on your side.

M-Yes Unsu it is.

U-Okay, let me go bring the fries and toasted bread.

M-Let me help you

The two then went to bring the fries which were ready while Manav toasted some bread since he and Arsh avoid eating fried food so they decided to have the barbeque with bread.

While Unnati prepared a small bowl of spicy dip that she likes having. The two then took the food outside and then set the table near with all the prepared food.

On the other side, Rishu and Neerja had arranged some music and the gang then sat down to have their meal.

After the meal, everyone decided to play some games. And as always, Rishu had brought some many board games from Mumbai. Seeing some many game options everyone was taking along time to decide what game to play.

R-Guys lets play uno first and then we can play some other games.

U-No yaar Rishu i am tired of playing Uno, lets play something else.

M-I agree let's play monopoly today

R-But then we all cant play monopoly since the limit is 6 players

Ad-So what do we play then

Aa-How about we play in duos

Ar-What do you mean?

Aa-I mean we can make pairs so that everyone can play

Ad-That can work but how will we choose the pairs.

T-Simple Aasan, AkTk and Unnav together and the rest you see

U-No let's just make random pairs

S-I agree let us do it the chit way.


S-Look we write numbers one to five two times and the people who get the same number are in the same team, okay.

U-That seems to be a good idea

Ar-So lets do that

U-Guys remember these are your pairs for the rest of the trip, so ready


WIth the Neerja prepared the chits and gave everyone one chit.

The pairs that were formed were.

Arsh and Unnati

Manav and SANKET

Addy and Namit(photographer)

Aashna and Rishu

Tanzeel and Ashi

Neerja and Kanchi(creator 21 team)

After the teams were formed, they started playing monopoly. 

Two hours later 

The gang decided to stop the game and looking at the money(monopoly)

They then decided to just talk and have fun, they did that when Arsh remembered about Unnati and asked her about the wedding dates.

A-Paa you wanted to tell us all something

U-What? (she then remembered) oh yes I wanted to tell you that our wedding dates have been finalised

Aa-Really of when?

M-September 20th onwards

As-oh wow that is so nice


R-So what is the plan for the wedding?

U-No idea I just know that the wedding will be of two types. Maharashtrian style and Punjabi style

M-Yes and the wedding will be in Pune

R-Why Pune?

M-We were first planning to have it in Mumbai but later thought of having it at Unnati's parents home town.

Aa-Okay, it just seems like yesterday when we all met and today we have one our friends getting married already.

T-Yes it does and to be honest this feeling is so good.

As-I agree(and she started having tears in her eyes for her friends)

U-Okay guys there is still time for being emotional.. right now we need to enjoy

S-I agree

R-Okay guys I need to tell you something


R-I think I am in love with someone

As-Really who is that girl?

R-I will tell you when she is ready for it but now don't try to give me those looks.

S-What looks?

R-The looks Unnati and Aashna are giving me like they know my secrets... those looks are very creepy

U-Oh please I knew that you are hiding something from us but I just waited for you to tell us about it. I gave you no looks okay.


The gang then continued having fun..


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