Part 114

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Mrunu tried killing Unnati

Back to the story.

Mrunu was about to stab Unnati when someone held her hand...

She turned to see Manav.....He was really angry and his eyes had turned red due to anger.

Mrunu saw Manav and suddenly her expression yet again changed from being angry to sad

She left his hand and then turned towards Manav

Mr-Manav see what Unnati did she tried to kill my Ani.... Manav i told you right unnati is not a nice person

Mr-Manav see.....

Manav was just standing like a statue looking at her....

Mr-Manav why are you looking at me like this, Manav

She screams and then the next thing she knew was that her cheeks were paining due to the slap that she got

Turning to the person she saw Manav who had slapped her.

Mr-Manav you slapped me.....

M-Yes i did, how dare you Mrunu? how dare you try to harm my Unns? How dare you try to kill her?

M-Why Mrunu? why are you behind her?


Mr-Because she is the reason for everything wrong that has been happening with us...

Mr-Think about it Manav, we know each other since musically days we were so close but then she came into our life.

Mr-She came and now everyone's attention used to be on her..... You forgot me Manav, you, Ashi, Sanket, Tanzeel and I were the Mad5 but then we stopped being close to each other...

Mr-You wanna know why, because of her. Not only that, she is the reason why I left one liked me in damnfam because of her

Mr-Everytime, every video it was always Unnati... Unnati this Unnati that......You all replaced me with her.....You Manav i used to be your lucky charm, you always took your first step with me but then ever since you shifted to Mumbai, your every first step was taken along with Unnati...

Mr-Going shopping with Unnati, doing MNV show with Unnati, you forgot our existence and would just spend most of your time with Unnati. I still ignored all this and stayed quiet but then when it came to me and Ani leaving damnfam  you did not stop us you let us go..... only because I asked you guys to tell Unnati to leave and you guys chose whom Unnati

Mr-I always thought that I was your best friend but then you proved me wrong you chose Unnati and not me. I convinced myself that it is fine maybe I don't deserve such fake friends like you, I was leaving my life happily but then Unnati came into our lives again.

Mr-You know Manav, Unnati was having an affair with Ani. Yes, she was. I found out about them and then I broke up with Ani. I then played the victim card so that I am back to damnfam. You know why I did this so that I can take revenge on her.

She said this pointing at Unnati.

Mr-And i was close to taking my revenge. I did not want to harm her, I just wanted her to be left alone. I wanted her to feel what I felt..... You know what I did, I made everyone hate her.....

Mr-This people

(Pointing at Ashi, Addy and Rishu)

Mr-They hated her, you know why Unnati suddenly left damnfam house......They told her that she is an attention seeker who is taking their friend away from them... They made Unnati not come to damnfam house.

Mr-You know how happy I was but then this bitch over here is really strong-hearted.....Even after all this, she did not leave you or damnfam. Yes, she stopped talking to them but she never created any misunderstanding between the rest of you. She just ignored all the hate and stayed strong.

Mr- My plan failed but still, I wanted Unnati to leave all of us..... I hate her

Mrunu said all of this with a lot of anger and hate for Unnati. She finished her sentence by glaring at Unnati.....

Unnati who heard all this clapped her hands.

U-Wow nice story Mrunu, Ani i did not know that we had an affair..... when did we have one?

A-I also don't know.....

U-Mrunu your story was nice just some facts are wrong.

U-Firstly, I did not have an affair with Ani.

U-Secondly these people over here your friends never forgot you... You were the one who broke us

Mr-You are lying i did nothing.... and about the affair, I saw pictures of you two together

U-Oh really, where are those pictures?


T-Mrunu cant you just stop lying

Tanzeel scream while the rest were just scared, annoyed, irritated and angry at her

Mr-No i am not lying....Manav please trust me I have seen pictures of this two....

M-Why should I believe you?

Mr-Because i am your friend

M-A friend who leaves me when I need their help, you are not my friend Mrunu you are nothing to me

Mr-Manav don't say this..... please trust me....

M-I cant trust you, I just cant

With that he moved away

Mrunu just moved towards Unnati and grabbed her.

Mr-See because of you everyone hates.....

U-No Mrunu it is not because of me it is because of you..... all this hate you are getting is being collected and polished by deserve all this

U-Oh and by the way, since you said such a wonderful story allow me to tell you a true story now

U-Guys am I allowed?

E-Yes you are

U-thank you..... but before I start my story let me call some few spectators.....Come out guys

There came out Attrangz.

Awez, Anam, Sunny, Mohamed, Naveen, Nagma, Zaid, Gauhar, Shabana Aunty and Moonz(Awez's sister)

U-Welcome guys...Oh Mrunu welcome your partner in crime


M-What do you mean by a partner in crime?

U-Aree Mrunu did not do all this alone she had someone who helped her and that person was no one other than Ms Nagma Mirajkar. So let me start with my story, it is just short and simple.

U-Nagma always hated me so she partnered with Mrunu(who thought I am her biggest competition) to make me lose my precision and loved ones. Simple as that. 

U-Mrunu, I don't know why you think I took your friends away from you but I know that what you did was not because of that. You are crazy and just a puppet of Nagma. And Nagma, I know you hate me but I never crossed your path again after that day so why did you plan all this? why?

A-I also want to know, why do you hate Unnati? what has she done to you?

Nag-Yes i hate her because.....

The third chapter...... done.....

So guys, big revelation about Nagma is in the next chapter......

Why do you think she hates Unnati?

What do you think Manav will do it his friends after he gets to know the incident that took place 3 months back?

Should Mrunu be put in jail for an attempt to murder charges?

Will damnfam be together after the big revelation?

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