Part 18

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The gang had settled down inside their respective tents. Manav, with his luggage, had gone to the tent that was near the  water(like not really, near but ya)

Manav, Unnati and Ashna were in their tent when Ashna decided to tell Manav her idea.

A-Buddy, I want to tell you something.

M-Yes tell me.

A-Wo, I am planning to ask Sanku out.

M-What! this is such good news.

A-Well it is but I have nothing planned, do you have any idea.

M-Well, tomorrow we all will be doing some activities after the activities you take Sanku for a walk and then tell him.

U-That's a good idea, in fact, take him to that place that we saw while coming here(when reaching that location they saw a nice hill type area that was facing the water and had a tent over there)

A-Okay, Unnati what about the decorations that you brought?

M-Unnati you brought decorations also.

U-Yes, i did as soon as Honey told me about it i was already with the props and requirements that are needed.

M-Okay, so how about in the morning after the gifts segment me and Unnati go and decorate the place a bit and then you can take Sanku for a walk.

A-That is a good idea but what about the rest will they not ask questions about us not being there.

U-They won't Manav and I will keep them busy and after you guys come then we will tell them the truth.

A-Okay, all is set i just hope Sanku does not reject me.

M-Nothing will happen because as far as i know Sanku he is also interested in you.

A-Are you sure?

M-I am.

A-Okay, guys lets sleep. You two sleep here, i will go sleep up.

M-Buddy, you and unnati sleep on the double bed here let me sleep up.

A-No, i want to sleep up because it is too hot for me so let me sleep near the fan, please.

After thinking for a while it was decided that Manav and Unnati will share the same bed.

They both were used to sleeping on the same bed since they have had a lot of sleepovers but for a strange reason today they were feeling really awkward sharing the same bed.

Unnati tried really hard to sleep but for some reason, she could not. Sensing that she is feeling uncomfortable he sat up straight and asked her,

M-Unsu, are you okay?

U-Yes i am, just not sleepy.


U-sorry i disturbed you i think i should go out.(Saying this she stood up)

M-Let me also come, i am also not soo sleepy.


The two went out and settled down on the bench outside.

U-It feels so nice sitting here.

M-Yes it does.

U-How did you even find this place?

M-Well, I was working with Himanshu(the owner of the place) for Naina tu, when he showed me the pictures of this place. To be honest I liked how open and free this place is.

U-Thank you for booking this place, it is so nice.

M-Well, your welcome. By the way don't you think we have become very awkward with each other?

U-I don't think so.

M-Okay, anyway let's imagine how our future life.

U-Future life, how?

M-Let imagines how we will be like husband-wife.

U-Okay, I think I will be a nice wife who will not wake up early to make tea but will want bed tea from you.

M-So you want me to make tea every morning for you and what will you do in return for me?

U-I will make you for you cheesecake.

M-But that I can't eat every day.

U-So i will do nothing just wait for my hubby lawyer to come home and then I will sit with you and ask you about your whole day.

M-Well, my dancer wife what else will you do apart from waiting for me?

U-I will learn dance, teach dance and also learn how to cook.

M-Well that depends if we are in Mumbai or In Punjab after marriage, where do you want to stay?

U-In Mumbai but if we stay in Mumbai then we will have to shift from damnfam house.

M-Yes we have to but don't worry we will still be with them and meet then every day.

U-Okay, by the way, you know after marriage you need to cook for me and do all the house chores okay? (she said it in a funny way)

M-As you say, madam. (saying this the two laughed)

While laughing Manav was just looking at her and he stopped laughing, he was basically enjoying seeing her laugh. Unnati stopped laughing when she saw Manav staring at her, she looked uncomfortable and was about to move back when Manav held her hand and turned her towards himself. Manav was just eyeing her lips and seeing them trembling he just went ahead and kissed her forehead before he moved back.

 Manav was just eyeing her lips and seeing them trembling he just went ahead and kissed her forehead before he moved back

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M-I think its really late let's go to sleep.

U-(While blushing)-Yes let's go.

The two went inside and went to sleep.


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