Part 17

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The gang reached their location locations and were exploring it.

Aashna-Yaar, this place is so nice.

U-I know right.

M-Guys you haven't seen the whole thing yet.

T-Okay lets see around till then our lunch will be ready.

They looked around to see such a nice location facing the waters, Rishu was more excited when he saw the board games arrangement. Everyone was mesmerized with the way arrangements were done. Soon they had their lunch and decided to shoot some bits as an introduction to the vlog.

After shooting the vlog Manav and the organiser were discussing something, while the gang was sitting near the hammock and discussing what all they will be doing for the rest of the day and tomorrow.

Soon Manav joined the rest and told them the sleeping settings.

M-Guys tonight we will be sleeping inside the tents so that we can have a campfire setup later on and then tomorrow we will shift to the rooms.

Arsh-Okay, so what are we doing right now?

Aashna-You guys do what you want, I am going to watch a movie.

U-Me too.

The girls went ahead to watch YJHD.

The boys decided to play some games. Soon, the boys decided to decorate the place for Sanku's birthday. Arsh, Tanzeel and Manav were decorating while the girls and Addy were a busy watching movie. It was close to twelve when Manav called the girls and asked them to bring Sanku there.

Aashna all this while was with Unnati, and the two were discussing something really serious.

A-Unsu, are you sure that I should propose to Sanku.

U-Honey, if you like him and want to be with him then what's wrong in it?

A-What if he sees me as a friend and rejects my proposal?

U-For that you need to ask him. Dont be scared just tell him what you feel about him and then see what he says.

A-What if our friendship breaks?

U-Nothing will happen, just chill.

 A-Okay so gives me ideas of how to plan everything.

U-Lets plan for this later, now let me call Ashi and tell her this good news.

Their conversation.

A-Okay,(Unnati video called Ashi)

Ashi-Hello guys, Whatsup?

U-Hi, noni nothing much, you tell us. What are you doing?

Ashi-Nothing, mom and dad have gone to my cousin's house and Raghav is in his room. Was so bored but then t.k told me that I have to be awake to wish Sanku.

A-Okay, we will you so much.

Ashi-Same, so how is the place?

U-It so nice.

Ash-Well it will be nice for you after all Manav has selected this place.

A-Haha, that's so true nowadays Unsu likes only Manav choices. (saying this the two of them shared a laugh)

U-Guys, stop teasing me and anyways Ashi i have to tell you something.


U-Well honey has decided to ask Sanku out.

Ash-What? when did you decide that Honey?

A-Have been thinking to do that since a long time.

U-Well you can say I influenced her to get some guts and tell her feelings to him.

A-No you did not this was all my idea.

U-Why you lying honey, I told you to think about it.

A-Well you did but I was thinking to do it since a long time.

U-Okay whatever you say.

U-By the way, Ashi do you know how honey should do the whole thing.

Ash-Well i don't but just remember to call me when you are going to ask him.

U-Okay, anyway  she will ask him tomorrow, so we will just discuss the whole thing with the gang and maybe they can comeup with some good ideas.Soon Unnati received a call from Manav.

U-Ashi Manav is calling me let me call you back later.

Ash-Okay, talk to you later and all the best Aashna.

A-Thank you.

Manav told Unnati to bring Sanku since everything is ready.

Unnati and Ashna went ahead to look for him and when they did not find him they called Rishu who then said that he will bring Sanku.

The celebration ended with everyone sitting by the bonfire and having fun with eachother.

A-Buddy, how is the sleeping setting?

M-Thats a good question, guys there are 3 tents that have been set and each tent can accommodate 3 people.

Arsh-So one tent for the 2 girls, and the remaining 2 tents are to be shared amongst 7 people, how will the boys do?

M-When i booked, I did not know if Addy will be coming or not since he had some work, so I booked for 9 people(including their camera man and organiser)

S-so how will we sleep?

T-Its fine, I can sleep on the hamock bed.

Aashna-No you cant, you know how dangerous it can be.

U-So what do we do?

R-I think 1 boy can sleep with the girls.

U-Yes, that's fine.

M-Okay so who will share the same room with the boys.

Everyone(Apart from Unnati)  without thinking just pointed at Manav

M-Me, why me?

U-Exactly, why manav and not Rishu?

R-Well because you two..

T-Because the two of you are a couple know.

U-Yes, I know that but then isn't it so awkward.

Arsh-Paa, there is nothing awkward in it, in fact the two of you will be getting more time to spend with eachother.


Aashna who was sitting near her told her,

"Let Manav sleep in our room so we can ask him to help us for the proposal"

When she realised that Manav can help, so she agreed because she knew that her friend needs the help.

After playing and talking, everyone decided to go to sleep at 4 in the morning..Everyone went to their respective tents while Manav went to Unnati's tent with his bag.

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