Part 97

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Fun breakfast time

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After breakfast, the gang decided to relax for a while at home.

While everyone was in the living room, Unnati went upstairs to get ready since she had an online interview in a while.

Unnati entered her room and Manav followed her also, when Unnati heard the door close she looked back to see Manav

U-What are you doing here?

M-Well i thought to help you

U-Help me do what?

M-Get ready

U-No thanks I don't need your help

M-Ohh you do..

With that Manav moved towards Unnati and kept his hands on his waist.

U-Manav, leave me


U-I need to get ready

M-So let me help you

U-Ugghhh fine do what you want to do

Manav then moved towards Unnati's top and removed it making her top part feel naked. Unnati was literally shivering not because of the cold but because of Manav's hands that were roaming around her body.

Manav then moved towards Unnati's neck and started kissing her there. He was busy kissing her while Unnati was just enjoying the moment with him. Soon she could not handle the torcher so she just held Manav's hair and made him look at her. 

As soon as the two looked at each other, they could just see love in the other eyes. Manav could just see Unnati's lips and he without any wait attacked her lips.

The two were busy kissing each other when suddenly Unnati decided to break the kiss. Seeing her taking a breathe Manav moved ahead and started kissing her neck once again.

The two were so lost in each other that they could not hear anything else that is going on around them. Unfortunately, they had to leave each other, when Unnati's phone rang. 

Seeing the caller Unnati knew that she needs to hurry up since her interview is in a while. Manav was trying to come more close to her, when she stopped him

U-Manav i am late

M-So let's continue na

With that, he moved forward to kiss her when she covered her lips with her hands.

U-Nooo i am already late

M-Ugghhh you love spoiling my mood

U-No i don't but baby now I need to get ready

With that Unnat rushed inside the bathroom, when she saw herself in the mirror she was shocked. She had so many hickeys and marks near her neck, she knew that she would have a really hard time covering it.

Cursing Manav in her head she went on to conceal her marks and then wore her outfit and slight makeup

When she went out she saw Manav, who was waiting for her.

As she left the bathroom, Manav looked at her who was looking very hot and he was about to go close to her and claim her lips when Unnati stopped him in the middle

U-Dont even come close to me


U-You, just gave me so many hickeys


U-Yes... you know how long it took me to cover them

M-Sorry, but it is not my fault, it is yours

U-Mine, how?

M-Who tels you to look so hot

U-Honestly it is not my fault because you are the one that makes me feel good and nice

M-Well, I think you are right. After all, I am the best

U-Ohh yes you are

M-So shouldn't I get a reward

U-What reward do you want?

M-Well a kiss will do

U-Kiss again


Unnati thought for a while and she knew that if she lets Manav do anything now then for sure she will be late so she decided to..

U-Okay, I will give you a reward

Manav stood up listening to this

U-But not now later

M-What? why later?

U-Because i am already late


U-PLease, I promise to not only I've you a kiss but a whole makeout session

Manav thought for a while and then agreed, the two then went down.

Unnati moved to the small secluded part of the house where she had her set up ready for the interview, while Manav went and joined the rest....

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