part 55

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The gang for a change decided to change their car partners so the new partners were.

The girls decided to sit together and the one who joined them was Rishu.

While in the second car there was Manav, Sanku, Tanzu and their photographer.

The last car had Arsh, Addy and neerja.

In the first car, Rishu was driving when his phone rang, he seeing his phone ring for so long asked Ashi who was sitting near him to see who is calling.

Ashi took his phone and did what she was asked to do.

R-Who is calling?

A-Some Rhea is 

R-Rhea, give me the phone with that he took the phone from Ashi and using his left hand he just received the call and then said,

R-I'll call you later

With that, he cut the call. The girls were wondering whose call it was since Rishu never acts like that. Ashi who has been more close to Rishu ever since could not control herself and asked Rishu.

A-Rishu who is rhea?

R-Who rhea?

A-The one that called.

R-Ohh that no one just a friend

A-Only a friend or something else.

R-Only a friend.

With that, he looked through the mirror and requested Aashna to distract Ashi since he knew that once Ashi gets stuck on one topic she becomes very stubborn and wants to know about it then.

Aashna assured him that she will handle the issue and then she started talking to Ashi and distracted her. Aashna then looked at rishu and he just thanked her, their this eye communication was seen by Unnati.

Unnati was also wondering about who this rhea is but later she just let all this go.

They all reached the restaurant pool bar at Goa Marriott Resort & Spa.

Unnati who got down last was happy to see Sanket and Aashna happy, she just ran towards then and hugged them from the back. 

The two who were lost with each other got surprised by the sudden hug, 

U-I am so happy for you two

S-Thanks to you Vahini

U-Just relax you two and enjoy

A-You are the best 

U-You two are

With that the three of them hugged, Tanzeel who was walking abot ahead of them got a bit sad and then went closer to them

T-Not fair, you guys are having the Suta hug without me 

And he just turned to go.

T-I think i am not needed here.

The three just ran towards him and hugged him

U-You are most needed here

S-Yes Tanzu baby 

Ashi and the rest were just admiring their bond

Soon Manav came towards the four who were still in a hug

M-Guys we are getting late

T-And i am very hungry so lets go


Everyone moved towards the restaurant while Manav just took Unnati's hand and asked her

M-Today your are feeling more love towards Sanku, why?

U-My love for Sanku is always there but i feel like today you are feeling more jealous towards Sanku today.

M-Me and jealous, no

U-Yes baby you are

M-No i am not

M-Wait a minute did you just call me baby?



U-I didnt

M-You did and dont worry i like that name

U-Oh you did

M-Yes so if you call me baby should i call you Janu?

U-No ways 

M-Please na 

U-Manav just call me unsu and i can you baby, okay


U-Now lets go

With that the two went inside and joined the rest.

Ar-Look at this guy, he told us that we will be late but he himself comes late 

T-Aree Arsh bhai he wanted to spend sometime alone with his Unsu, right Unnati?

U-Tanzeel dont even start

T-Start what?

U-Ashi tell your bf to keep quiet or else all his secrets will be out now.

A-What secrets?

U-There are many about him, so Tanzeel should I ?

T-No Unsu sorry

Ar-Good way Paa to shut people

U-My treasures are this secrets

R-I swear you guys just know how to blackmail us

Aa-Oh really Rishu?

R-No i meant

U-You meant what Rishu and anyways we girls know how to keep your feeling hidden with ourself so dont even start

U-And anyways i feel like it is time for your secret to be out.

R-What secret?

U-The one you are hiding.

Unnati stared at Rishu for a while and then Addy thought of diversifying the topic.

Add-Guys lets leave this topic aside and lets order the food.

The gang then had their lunch and after that they went for their spa.

Just like yesterday after their Spa the gang went to the closest beach for a wonderful sunset and then they were back home.

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