Part 104

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Karwa Chauth planning

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While all the planning was going on, Mrunu was actually in her home. Doing what? something that she always does.

Mr-Hello, today Ashi and Tanzeel got back together



S-Okay that is a good thing for you, now focus on our plan

Mr-What plan?

S-God why are you so dump

S-The plan of separating Unnav

Mr-Ohh, that plan.... do you think it will work?

S-Yes it will.... just show everyone the pictures I have sent you

Mr-No i won't show..... let me send it through someone else's number so that no one doubts me

S-Okay does whatever you want but make this plan work...

Mr-I will, by tomorrow Unnati will be out

S-Yes, anyway I need to go now...

With that Mrunu disconnected the call. She was going down when she saw how everyone else was happy about Karwa Chauth.

Mr-Today if I was with Ani then even I would have fasted for him, getting ready for him. 

Mr(mind)-Stop it Mrunu, you don't love Ani you love Manav, remember

Mr-Yes i love Manav

Mr(Heart)-No Mrunu you don't love Manav you love Ani, Manav is just a road for success for you

Mr-(mind)-No Mrunu, you love Manav only.... concentrate on him

Mr-Yes, I need to get Manav back..... and for that Unnati should go

With that Mrunu went to her room and slept.

The next day

The girls decided to be awake the whole night and therefore when Manav's mom called Unnati they all decided to now stop their chitchats and go down to have food.

As per ritual, Unnati was asked to get ready for her Sargi and so she wore a simple yellow dress with no makeup and no jewellery

As per ritual, Unnati was asked to get ready for her Sargi and so she wore a simple yellow dress with no makeup and no jewellery

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While the other girls wore simple dresses.

They reached the table, to see everything is ready.

U-Wow mom you have  prepared so much for us

M.M-Yes why not, my daughter is fasting today so she needs to eat all this

U-Woww can't wait

With that, she went to take a bot when she was stopped by her mother in law

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