part 57

990 47 25

It was the next day and although the gang wanted to buy some time out and sleep since the slept like 2 hours ago only.

This  was not accepted because today they all had to head to the South of Goa and since the way there is very long.

Now lets see what our favorites are doing.

At Unnav's room

Unlike the first two days, today Unnati was still a sleep when the alarm rang that she had kept. She, without seeing the time just snoozed her alarm and slept again. Soon her alarm rang again and this time she just turned towards Manav and slept comfortably on him.

Manav who felt a lot of movement besides him woke up and looking at Unnati he just kept her head on the pillow near by while he first saw the time and after noticing that they are late he just rushed towards the washroom not before waking Unnati up.

Unnati who was trying to sleep more just nodded her head and then after she heard the bathroom door close she just covered herself with the blanket more and then continued sleeping.

Manav after taking a shower came out and seeing Unnati still sleep he first went and removed her clothes for the day knowing very well that she will spend more time looking for her outfit. He then packed a bag with some extra pairs of clothes since they might need to have a quick change somewhere.

After doing so he went towards the bed and then he called Unnati so that she can wake up.

M-Unsu (while shaking her)

He did that for a while and then she woke up. Manav stretched his hand for Unnati so that she can stand up. She did so only to lean onto Manav and then sleep on him.

M-Don't sleep on me...Get up and get ready we need to go

U-But I am still sleepy and I need to look for an outfit also

M-I have done everything you just go and freshen up.

U-Thank you.. wish you could wake me up like this and help me like this every time

M-Don't worry after some months i will help you take a shower also but for now go we are already late.

U-Yes sir.

With that Unnati went to the bathroom while Manav went down to find only Arsh up. The two then prepared a quick breakfast for everyone. While doing so they were assisted by Rishabh, Addy and Unnati who also came down.

On the other side, 

In AkTk's room.

Since, yesterday everyone stayed up till late last night, when the two reached their room no one could sleep and therefore the two stayed up and were talking the whole night.

In the morning, is when they realised that they need to get ready also. So first Ashi went to get ready and then Tanzeel did.

When the two went down they found noone around so they thought that it is a better time for them to clean their room and also take some pictures and create some reels.

The two did what they planned to and when they heard some commotion going on is when they decided to head down and be with the others.

Going down they saw everyone there apart from Sanket and Aashna.

Lets see where they are,

Aasan's room.

Entering the room we see that the two are still sleeping hugging eachother.

Ashi who thought to check on the two was surprised to see them still a sleep. Going near them she first woke Sanket up,

A-Good morning(she greeted him  in a low tone)

S-Good morning(he then stood up and went out with Ashi)

A-What happened? is everything fine?

S-No Honey is not feeling well she has slight fever

A-Ohh so what should we do now?

S-You guys go ahead we will join you after a while.

A-I think that is fine.. let me go tell the rest about it.

S-Okay and also ask someone if they have some medicines that we can give her.

A-I think Unnati should have let me go ask.

With that Ashi went down to inform the others while Sanket went to freshenup.

Ashi going down she told everyone about it and then said,

A-Unnati do you have medicines for fever

U-Yes I do let me go give them to Sanket.

Ar- Paa wait take a cup of warm water for her she will feel better.

U-Ashi bring the cup up while i go bring the medicines for her

Unnati first went to her room and after getting her medicines box went towards Aashna's room.

She entered in to find Sanku yet in the washroom while Aashna was still sleeping. Moving towards her Unnati woke her up and then told her to have the warm cup of water first.

After she did so,

U-Honey let me go bring something for you to eat so that you can have your medicines.


Unnati was about to go when Sanket came out of the washroom.

U-Hi Sanku

S-Hi Vahini

U-I have kept the medicines there, let me bring something to eat for her till then just help her freshen up.

S-Okay.. I was thinking that we should take her to the doctor.

U-Its fine Sanku.. let her take the medicines and relax this is just fatigue.

A-Yes I am fine 


Unnati then brought some breakfast for the two and then the rest went ahead while Aasan stayed back.

Okay guys a short chapter..

One thing i want to know is that are you guys okay if i make Mrunirudh negative in this book...

What i mean is that i dont want anyone to be upset or angry about my writings and my vision about them..

If you guys are okay then i can go forward with my idea and not then i can change it... Although i feel that the story needs them and some negativity of theirs..

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