Part 20

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At the location, the gang was watching a movie.

While Aashna and Sanku had reached the setup. Seeing the location and the decoration, they both were in awe with the preparations that were made there.

A- It's all so nice.

S-Yes it is, so honey so wanted us to go on a date alone.

A-Well i did.

S-That so sweet(saying this he held her hand and took her towards the table)

He first pulled out the chair for her allowing her to sit and later moved to take a it himself.

S-so, why this sudden plan?

A-Well nothing just wanted a break so planned this.

S-And when did you do all the arrangement here?

A-Actually Unnav did all this.


And then he served the food that they had brought with them. They had their food in almost quietness. After finishing they took the champagne kept there and the glasses and moved towards edge of the wooden plank. Letting their legs hanging over they began to drink the champagne.

Sanku as he was drinking from his glass he noticed a small note inside the glass.Pulling it out he saw a message that said,

"From the first time I met you, I knew that we will have a good bond in the future"

As soon as he read the message he smiled and looked at Aashna. Soon he found another similar chit on a stone near him, taking that chit he read the message on it.

"And then we started making videos together that made people love us.We slowly became Aasan for them"

The last chit he received was from Aashan who gave him the chit and stood up from that place. Sanket followed her that action and they both began walking at another place. Before, they reached the desired location Ashan through her eyes told sanket to read that chit it said,

"Today, I want to tell you something but that thing should not change our relationship by anyway, I want you to promise me that we will always stay Aasan no matter what happens today"

A-Promise(she said forwarding her hand towards him)

S-Promise(As he said that she held his hand tightly and took him towards the final location)

Where Unnav had kept some balloons and the candles, the balloons had a message on him like will you be my boyfriend.

As soon as they reached there sanku was wondering what is happening so he turned towards Aashna who by the had knelt down on her one knee.

A-I know what you are wondering but the thing is that I really like you and I want to ask you if you can be my boyfriend.

Sanku was shocked and speechless.

On the other hand.

The gang was watching a movie and Unnav were sitting together infact they were cuddling each other when Unnati received a message from Ashna.

"Meal is done going to ask him now."

Unnati showed the message to Manav and then she replied to her, 

"Best of luck , just tell him what you feel. I know you both will return to us whilst being happy"

Typing the message she kept her phone aside and then in slow wishpers she said,

U-I  hope everything turn out well for them.

M-Dont worry it will.

U-Hmm(and then seeing everyone so engrossed in the movie she reached towards his cheeks and kissed them)

Unfortunately, their little scene was witnessed by someone and that person was,

Tanzeel who acted like he is clearing his throght so that the two can realise the position they are in.

The two then sat separate while Unnati galred at Tanzeel asking him to focus on the movie.He after laughing a bit concentrated in the movie.

Back to Aasan.

After Aashna asked that question, Sanku was shocked and he was a bit peralised. Seeing that he his not responding she thought that he does not reciprocate the same feeling as hers. Dejected she was about to stand up when she heard.



S-Yes, I will be your boyfriend(As he said that he pulled her up and he himself went on his knee)

S-Aashna Hedge uff honey I love you so much and want you to be girlfriend, will you?

A-(Who was having happy tears in her eyes said nothing but just nodded her head indicating that she said yes)

Sanket stood up and held her hand.I don't know when you planned all this but I just want to say that I loved all this arrangement.

Aashna was still in shock that she just went ahead to give him a hug.

Sanket also reciprocated the hug and before he withdrew from the hug he can her a peck near her ear. Before the two could also talk, Aashna's alarm went off indicating that it is time for them to go back to the gang.

A-We should go back it is getting very dark.

S-We should or else the rest will be worried about us. By the way, who all know about this ?

A-Only Unnati and Manav, we have to tell the rest.

S-Okay lets tell them with that he held her hand and the two returned to their friends.

When they reached there, Unnav saw their smiling faces and joined hands. They knew the situation that has happened and they started cheering uncontrolably.

Hearing them scream so loudly the rest looked at their direction only to see Aasan there holding hands.

R-Guys where did you go?

T-And why are you two screaming?(He asked Unnav)

U-Well because we have another couple over here(saying this she went ahead and hugged Aasan)

Arsh-What! really?


Soon everyone hoevered over Aasan and they were asked to repeat the whole scene to them, which the two did with smiles on their faces. The gang had their best time with all the fun and enjoyment, with that the day ended and everyone went to sleep.

This being their second night, as planned they were now given 5 rooms to share amongst the 10 people they were. And for a change Unnati and Manav willingly decided to share one room so that tonight Aasan can get to spent some time together.

In Unnati's room before sleeping Unnati sent a message to Ashi to tell her about the whole thing and also she promised that the next day the first thing she will do is that she will ask Aasan to call Ashi. With, that she and Manav fell a sleep on each others arms.


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