Part 92

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Part 92


After dinner, the gang decided to sit in Unnav's room for a while

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The gang were seated in Manav's room. Manav was lying on Unnati's lap while Aashna was sitting beside Unnati.

The rest were seated beside the bed on the bean bag.

U-So guys what is your plan for tomorrow?

M-Nothing we will just go out and go to a nice restaurant. Basically, we will be having a fun and enjoyable day

U-Ohh okay

Aa-So Unnati when did you come to Punjab?

U-I have been here for a week now,

As-So Manav knew about you being here?

M-No I did not...

U-Yes he didn't, in fact, I told no one about me being here

Everyone kept quiet for a while when Unnati looked and Tanzu and she knew for a fact that Tanzeel was hiding something

U-Guys why did you come to Punjab?

Mr-Why? Can't we come to,  Unnati now you want us to take your permission before going somewhere?

U-There is no way you will understand me so let's leave it... I just want to know why you guys came to Punjab...

Aa-Unnati we were all bored in Mumbai so Tanzeel suggested coming to Punjab

U-Okay.... So how are the damnfam videos coming along?

T-Unnati why are you asking that? Dont you watch our videos anymore...

U-To, be honest Tanzu... I have not seen any video from damnfam from the past few months


U-Umm because I was busy and I did not want to see your videos and miss you guys that is why.

S-So Vahini... what is the result for nach baliye


T-Ohh I forgot.. congrats Unsu for winning...

Everyone apart from Manav, Tazu and Arsh- What? You won.... Congrats

They all ran towards her to hug, Rishu and Addy also.

U-Thank you, but how did you know about it? The finale episode has not been aired yet.

T-Well Neerja told me..

U-Ohh.. anyways the winner will be announced this week Saturday.

T-So Unsss after your holiday will you join us again?

U-Umm...(she just looked around wondering if the others wanted her to be back or not surprisingly, Unnati saw was pleading eyes from those who loved her and also from those who wanted her to leave them, they were also pleading her to agree)

Unnati at that moment felt loved and she knew that she has got her friends back.

U-Yes i will...

Yes was all that she heard

Aa- Unnati have you shopped for the wedding

U-I have a bit... thought that after this vacation I will do the rest of it.

Rh-Great so we will help you with that

U-Yes you will

U-So guys, I have two interviews tomorrow so I have to sleep

M-Yes lets sleep

Aa-Seems like someone is very eager to spend some alone time with his number one( She said that in a teasing tone)

T-Yes guys I think we should leave them alone

Everyone agreed to him and began to leave

Mrunu was not ready to leave but Ashi just took her hand and pulled her out of the room

Mr-Ashi why did you pull me out of the room?

A-Mrunu did you not hear what Tanzeel said, everyone was leaving but you so I thought of leading you out of the room

Mr-What the Ashi how can you let Manav and Unnati be in the same room together.

A-Why cant they are in the same room? i don't think I need to remind you that they are getting married in less than a month... they need to spend some time together.

Mr-But Ashi you know that I love Manav then why are not allowing me to stay close to him.. how do you think I will get him if we don't spend some time together?

A-Mrunu, I think you should just give up on Manav.. i think the two of you are not meant to be together

Mr-Ashi... how can you say something like that... no I will not give up on him

Mrunu literally shouted at Ashi...

A-Mrunu by screaming at me, the fact won't change... you had five months to make Manav be your partner and reciprocate your feelings but he did not then this means that he does not love you..

Mr-No he does

A-He doesn't and now Mrunu i cant support you, because of you all my friends left me and now i want them back

Mr-Ashi please understand i can't leave without him and now i want him in my life please help me get him.... please

A-Mrunu lets talk about it later.. now i am very sleep

With that Ashi went to sleep while Mrunu stood their wondering now what her next plan is..

She for sure knew that if she lets Ashi talk to Unnati then the two will patch up leading to damnfam being friends with Unnati once again.

She did not want to that to happen.

With that in mind she just looked at Ashi's sleeping figure with anger and then went to sleep at her side.

Okay, Guys, done for now... sorry for no updates in the past week but was just thinking for a different angle to my story.

other than that hope you like the DMFA awards and hope you guys shared and liked both the videos..

If you have not seen the video, then the videos are below just click on them and see and enjoy such a creative video.


OKAY BYE..........................

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