Part 79

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Unnati was so excited to meet Manav after so long.

Although it had been just two to three days that she and Manav have not spent time together but to her, it seemed like an eternity.

She had no words to explain what she felt when she entered the restaurant and saw Manav there.

She just stood there and looked at him for a while before she took baby steps towards him. Since Manav's back was facing the wall he could not see Unnati and therefore, Unnati took the advantage of it and covered his eyes.

Manav who felt the delicate hands and then the two rings on that person's finger knew who the person was.

M-Unsu... Hello, baby.

With that, he took her hands and kissed her wrist.

U-Hi Manav.

Manav then stood up and the two hugged. They actually stayed in the hug for so long before they broke it and Manav like a good man pulled the chair for Unnati.

U-Thank you

M-So how was shopping

U-It was fine but can we not talk about anything else apart from us

M-Unsu why are you so sad and why are you behaving so weirdly?

U-Manav of course I am sad because Manav i want some time with you

M-What so you mean?

U-Manav, tell me when was the last time we talked like this?


U-You, don't know right. Let me tell you it has been a week since the last time we had a proper conversation

M-But Unsu we meet every day

U-Really and what do we do after meeting each other? just say hi to each other right

M-Okay i get it but you know that we always meet with our friends so we can't get time alone

U-Yes we cant but we can at least sit beside each other and talk to each other later if not then 

M-Are you talking about yesterday?

U-Yes I am, Manav i need some time alone to spend with you please understand.

M-I am sorry I know that you wanted to talk to me but I did not give you the time them 

U-Manav i am not asking for your whole time but just a few hours of the two of us only just an hour can work also.. Please

M-Baby don't say please... you deserve my time.

U-Okay now let eat I am damn hungry

M-Me too 

The two then had their lunch and then decided to go for a ride.

Unnati was enjoying her time with Manav. She had let all her worries and issues fly away and right now all that mattered to her was Manav.

Manav was also very happy, although he thought that he enjoys his time with all his friends. But being with Unnati makes him happier than anything else.

He feels his heartbeat more when she is with him. No one has ever made him so happy like her small smile makes him.

The two by now knew that what they feel for each other is not just liking and attraction but is actually love.

The two just looked at each other and smiled. 

U-Yes I love Manav

M-Yes I love Unnati.

Manav then took Unnati hand in his and Unnati leaned on Manav shoulder.

M-So where should we go

U-Lets go home

M-I have a better place


M-You see when we reach there

U-Umm okay

Unnati then decided to just wait till they reach the place Manav wanted.

Soon they reached the place and when Manav turned to his right he saw Unnati sleeping.

Manav saw this vision and he smiled seeing Unnati like this. He then took a picture of it and then posted it.

 He then took a picture of it and then posted it

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He captioned it My cute sleeping beauty 

After a while, Unnati woke up and then asked have we reached

M-Yes we have

Unnati looked at that place to see that they have reached the beach.

U-Woww beach

M-Yes i thought why dont we spend some time here.

U-Thank you.

M-Your welcome now let's go 

The two then removed their footwear in the car and then went to the beach. Unnati was too interested to go to the water so they just sat on the sand and enjoyed their time.. They sat there till the sunset and after that, they decided to go to Unnati's place.

Unnati's parents were at a friends house since tomorrow there is a wedding at that friend's house. Unnati was asked to decide her clothes and also Manav had to join them for the wedding function tomorrow.

After her parents left Unnati and Manav decided to cook at home. Unnati then made the recipe that Manav's mom told her. The two enjoyed their time together by watching a movie and then eating their meal together

Later they cuddled with each other.

During this time, Mrunu called Manav a lot of times but Manav decided to not pick up the call and instead he switched his phone off and gave all his time to Unnati.

Next Morning,

Unnati woke up to see Manav literally hugging her tummy like a small baby. She then took a picture of it and posted it on Instagram 

 She then took a picture of it and posted it on Instagram 

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She wrote a cute caption to it.

Bliss is to wake up to such a sight

With that, she just slept with Manav since after long she was at peace and could sleep properly.

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