Part 115

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Nagma's story

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Aw-Nagma tell me, why? why do you hate Unnnati


He screams

N-Because of you,

Awez and the rest were shocked

N-Shocked right...... Do you remember when we met, how we met.....No....let me tell you?


Nagma was a very introverted person who knew nothing but studies. Ever since she was in school she had no friends and was always found to be busy with her books. 

When Nagma finished school, she joined the same college as Anam. She was Anam's senior but the two were in the same section. It was during a college fest where due to Anam's request Awez agreed to perform.

Nagma was blown away seeing Awez, she was in love seeing him. She knew that Awez will never fall in love with an introvert and someone who knew nothing about dance.

So she started learning dance. She also started being confident in front of people. She started by joining the college's dance club where Anam was also a member.

She started talking to Anam when she got to know that Awez was her brother. She became friends with her.

Anam then introduced Nagma to the darbars.

N-When i met you, you and Unnati were already a famous couple. I used to feel jealous seeing you two together. 

You never noticed me. I was just your sisters friend to you. At that time you were always with Unnati, you used to eat with her, practice with her in fact, you two would also go home together.

N-Whenever, I thought that maybe I have a chance with you, I would see a new type of closeness between you two. I tried very hard for you to notice me and forget her but no.

-Still, I did not give up but when Zaid started calling Unnati, Shabana aunties bahu. I was very angry, I mean if she is aunty's bahu then it means that you and Unnati are dating and you guys are really serious about it.

-I then planned to remove Unnati from this team. My only motive was to make everyone hate her so that she is forced to leave the team. I started by creating differences between Anam and Unnati. I used to tell Anam lies about Unnati, I made Anam start hating her.

-Well that was an easy job to do. Then I started creating differences between Moon and Unnati. I told Moon that Unnati likes Shez and she also proposed to him.

Remember our dare game, then I secretly added a chit for Unnati that said that she needs to propose to Shez as a prank. I secretly recorded that video of her proposing to him and then edited it in a way that Moon thought was true.

Almost everyone soon started disliking her apart from Awez and Zaid they still believed that Unnati was innocent. I could not take it now.

So I planned something huge. I decided to prove to the group that Unnati is a cheater who is in touch with other dancing groups and has been sending our choreographies to them. I knew that Awez hates liars and cheaters so I carried out my plan.

I first hacked Unnati's email and then sent our videos to team 007(faisu and team). I knew that they were shooting for a video then and once Awez gets to know that they have the same step as us he would try to investigate who has back stapped him.

As I knew that only Unnati was allowed to shoot rehearsal videos everyone would doubt her. And I was right, Unnati was the accused. Like predicted everyone blamed Unnati and then they asked her to leave, everyone hated her by then but Awez was still supporting Unnati.

And then the truth came out that someone hacked Unnati's email and she is innocent. I thought that everyone would apologize to Unnati and she would gain more sympathy from them. I was right, Unnati was the centre of attraction for everyone.

My plan failed or that was what I thought. But the three days after the incident proved to be my happiest day, that day when Unnati decided that she has willingly decided to leave the group since she wants to be alone now.

God, that day I was so happy. I know the next few days everyone was sad but soon everyone forgot about it and then we redeveloped our group.

I was so happy.

Flashback Ends

Aw-You did what you wanted and Unnati left our group.... then why did you plan this again, what has she done to you that even after she left you still decided to harm her.

N-Because she is the cause of everything bad. Yes she left us but then everyone would still be talking about her, you and Zaid were literally obsessed with her and then Gauhar came she was also always talking about Unnati.

N-She was surely obsessed with Unnati i could not take it so I planned to hurt her again. I knew that if anything happens in damnfam because of Unnati, she would leave the group and not only would she probably change her career.

N-So i planned for something. I planned to involve Mrunu in this because I knew that she was the weak link of damnfam. So I started talking to Mrunu more frequently, i convinced her to leave damnfam but also told her that she needs to make everyone believe that Unnati was the reason for all of this.

N-I thought that everyone will let Mrunirudh stay and they will ask Unnati to leave just like we did but no i was wrong they let Mrunu leave but nothing happened to Unnati she had the support she wanted.

N-And then what, Mrunu became my friend and the two of us started breaking Unnati. Be it the youtube comments or media comments, we tried everything to break her, but she was strong very strong. Honestly, unnati if you had stayed away from my Awez and family then i would not have bothered more about you but no, what does she have that i don't?

A-You want to know what she has? let me tell you, she has a pure and kind heart which you don't have. She is not only a good human being but also a pure friend. If she wanted she would have made damnfam against us but she did not. She never stopped her friends from making content with us, you know why because she forgave us and let us be civil with her. 

G-I did not know your past at all but all i know is that Unnati is a good person. Yes, i used to like Awez and Unnati's dances but then i never meant to force you to plan something so dangerous against Unnati. I know that you love Awez so you were probably doing right by fighting for your love but that does not mean that you plan such mean things for someone. Did it not hurt you seeing that someone is hurt because of you?

N-It did hurt but then i remembered all the scenes where everyone prioritized Unnati above me. Whenever i thought that maybe i am doing wrong by hurting Unnati a new thing would happen and all my guilt would change into hate.

Z-That is why you and Unnati are different. She forgave us and was really sweet to us even after what we did if you were in her place you would have taken revenge on all of us but never would you forgive us. Another thing, the bahu joke was there but it was never meant for Awez it was meant for.........

Who was it meant for?

I am back guys..... sorry had to post yesterday but then i was busy enjoying my birthday that i became lazy to update...

Anyways, hope you like Nagma's confession.

What do you think did this really happen or my imagination is actually very wild?

Who was the joke meant for?

So today we will share our Instagram id's with each other, as you know i am going to leave Wattpad after this book is over so if you still like me and would want to know more about me then follow me on Instagram,

itssaj__006 is my id, do share yours if you want others to follow you....

Till next time, byeeeeeeeee


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