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Mnv's P.ov

In his room

I dont know why mom and dad have asked me to get ready this earlier wonder where we are going. Wearing his watch Manav took his phone from the dressing and started scrolling through his Instagram account where he received a tag notification. Clicking on that notification he saw that a fan has made another reel of his and Unnati's. He saw the reel and then liked it and also reposted the reel with a message that said."thank you for your love and support guys"

Before he kept his phone down he saw damnfam's message and replied to Arsh. Soon he closed the room door and went to the living room where his parents were ready while looking at his mom he remembered the reason why everyone is so decked up today.


After the truth or dare video of damnfam Manav's parents decided to visit him at Mumbai, they were staying at their relative's house and Manav was there with them too.

M.M-Manav, remember when you called me and told me that you want someone in your life.

M-mama that was a dare nothing else.

M.M- so beta do you have anyone in your life right now? (to her this question Manav just shook his head)

M.D- so beta how about we look for you your life will you trust our choice.

M-Do you guys want me to get married.

M.M- Eventually yes but right now we just want you to be with some so all these rumours of you with other girls stop.

M-I think you are right and anyways I always thought of getting married at an earlier age.

All this conversation happened two later and then yesterday his parents told him that they are invited to someone's place and he has to join them.

Flashback ends.

Manav and his parents stepped out of the house and moved to the lift after closing the door.

M-mama tell me whose house are we going to, do I know them?

M.M- let's just go there and then you will know, have some patients baby.

M-okay.(by then they reached to their car and also settled down with Manav's dad driving and he sitting next to him.

After the 30 minutes drive, they reached their destination that happened to be someone he knows the house.

Manav did not ask any questions to his mom, knowing what he will get as the answer so he just waited to be informed about the whole thing.

His assumptions were right since his parents and he was standing outside someone he knows the house.

His father rand the doorbell and the door was opened. The person who he saw was...

Unnati's p.o.v

As soon as jiju opened the door, the person who entered was non-other than Manav

Both Manav and Unnati were shocked to see each other and were just staring eachother.

Their trance was broken by Hanita(Unnati's sister)- Guys instead of playing this staring game how about you greet eachother.

U-Hani, anyways hi aunty(she went and touched their feet and hugged them, while Manav did the same)

All of them settled down and then Unnati's dad started the conversation.

U.D- So I know you two are wondering what is happening here, so the thing is that we all want you two to get married.

Unnati and Manav were shocked but they kept quiet.

M.M- yes guys, we think you guys make a good couple, so why not?

U- Can I please know when you decided all this and if the proposal was Mnav's then why did you guys not tell me?

H- I should tell you.


After Manav and Unnati agreed to what their parents said. Unnati's mom and Manav's mom were talking on the phone when suddenly the idea came that since everyone has started to like their pair and also both of them are good friends so why not. They liked this idea and thought to share it with their respective husbands who after a lot of hesitation agreed.

Flashback ends.

U.M- so now we want you two to talk to each other and then tell us your decision. We want you to take your time so we are giving you a week to decide, Okay?

The two nodded their heads and then on Hanita's suggestion they went out for a coffee.


The balcony where the Malharkar's had their discussion at (chapter 1)

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The balcony where the Malharkar's had their discussion at (chapter 1)

Below is a picture of their living room.

Below is a picture of their living room

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What Unnati wore (pic above)

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What Unnati wore (pic above)

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