Part 14

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After Atrangz had launched their music video, media was allowed to interact with all of them. On the other side, Mrunu wanted to talk to Unnati and very sweetly(not really) she asked her to go with her.

The two went to a corner(that corner was not so secretive because Awez had kept there a camera)

M-Unnati, what do you think of yourself?

U-What do you mean?

M-I mean why were you talking to Ani?

U-Why cant I?

M-Unnati he is my boyfriend stay away from him.

U-I am your boyfriend was the one who came to me. Stop him not me.

M-You, don't need to tell me what to do. I just want you away from my people including Attrangz, you already separated me from damnfam don't try to take Ani away from me.

U-Firstly, I am not interested in you, Secondly, neither am I interested in Ani and thirdly i did not separate you from damnfam, remember you left your self.

M-Yes, we left, it was our decision but we took this decision because of you. You were given more importance by others while I was always sidelined, I hate you unnati.

U-If you felt like that you would have told us but you didn't heck I did not even know your actual reason for leaving us, nobody told me.

M-No one told you because they thought that you will break they kept you and your feelings above everyone. In reality Unnati you are so mean and selfish you just think about yourself. I don't want to tell you anything but to stay away from Ani.

U-I never knew that i was the reasons you left but don't worry, i am now least bothered about anything. So it's fine.

With that unnati went away and mrunu followed her. The media now wanted to talk to A.U since they were there to represent damnfam.

Media-So guys how do you feel attending this function?

Aashna-We feels grateful to attrangz for the invite and also would like to congratulate them on behalf of damnfam.

Media-Unnati, you started your musically videos with the Darbars how does it feel to see them grow so big in the industry?

U-Yes that's true that i started my career with them, in fact, Awez and i learned to dance together. And to be honest, seeing him and rest at this wonderful stage of their life makes me feel happy for them and also motivated to thrive harder.

Media-Unnati we heard that you have signed a t.v drama.

U-Well i have but i would like it to be a secret till the right comes.

Media-Okay, we wish you luck for that, so Aashna any new plans with damnfam.

A-Well, we have a lot of plans that we want to carry out, we are just waiting for the countries covid situation calms down and then we will carry out our plans. Till then we will keep entertaining our viewers with our weekly content on youtube and Instagram.

Media- How does it feel meeting your old friends(mrunirudh) after so long.

Aashna and Unnati were first shocked to hear that question but later Aashna said that

A-Well it feels nice to see them here.

Media-Unnati you?

U-Same, it is always nice to meet people you have known for a long time.

The interview was over and so was the function.

The two then went to their respective homes and that was the end of their day.

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