Part 34

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As Manav pulled Unnati close to him she was shocked and looked at him. Manav by then had moved his lips closer to Unnatis and then kissed her. Unnati was shocked but she also responded to him, the two were kissing for so long that Unnati was hitting Manav in the need of breaking the kiss.

U-What was that?

M-Umm a kiss?

U-Yes but I

M-I know you said that I will get my kiss tomorrow but guess what it is already 12 so it is officially kiss day.

U-How do you always get what you want?

M-Well that is my magic.

M-So how about we

U-Ohh yes how about we go home now.

M-I did not want to say that but anyway let's go because tomorrow early in the morning we are going to Golden Temple.

U-We are.

M-Yes and before that I need to pick up Bronny from the vet.

U-Ohh yes, I have not even met him lets go.

M-Okay (With that he pecked her lips and then the two of them went to pick Bronny up)

The two of them reached the vet and Unnati was so happy seeing Bronny.

Reaching towards him, Unnati just took him in her arms and started talking to him.

U-Hi, Bronny how are you(in a baby tone)

And Bronyy in response just started kissing her face. Manav who was talking to the vet saw this and moved towards them.

M-Seems like he likes you.

U-He does after all I am his favourite.

M-I am sure he is.

U-By the way you know the other reason why I said yes to you was him.

M-What do you mean?

U-yes, I said yes to you so that I can officially have him as my pet. You know na mom does not allow me to keep any pets

M-Okay so I should thank Bronny that you said yes to me.

U-You, should now let me talk with Bronny.

With that Unnati was carrying Bronny and talking to him while Manav was just driving. Soon the reached the apartments where Unnati was staying.

Manav stopped the car and expected Unnati to get down but she was so busy with Bronny that she did not notice her environment. Manav waited for a while expecting Unnati to finally see where they are but nothing happened, so he made some nice but still, nothing happened.

Finally he, 

M-Unnati (he called her)

Unnati then looked at Manav 


M-We have reached

U-Ohh no now I have to say bye to my baby.

Manav thought she is talking about him and expected her to give him a hug but that was not the thing. Unnati hugged Bronny and said.

U-My baby I will miss you so much.

With that, she hugged him while Manav was stunned to see how Bronny and Unnati have become so close in 30 minutes time. He was happy seeing that but also sad to see Unnati ignore him.

M-Unnati you should go and sleep it is already late and tomorrow we are going to the golden temple.

U-I should and then she hugged Bronny for the last time and saying bye she was about to leave when she remembered Manav's last look. She thought to surprise him and went towards his side of the door and knocked on it. 

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