Part 99

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Unnati's interview went bad.

Mrunu and her partner planned it all

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Unnati was really sad about what has just happened. She was just thinking about all this when her phone rang, it was a call from her team.

She told them about all the question she was asked.

U-If that channel did not want to interview me then why did they ask me for an interview?

D-Sorry Unnati but I just confirmed with the channel and they said that they did not know all that the lady will say

U-Then how could she say all this to me?

D-I am trying to see what I can do with her? but I think that...

U-What do you think?

D-I think that someone paid her to do that

U-Why do you think so?

D-Because she is the same reporter that posted that story of yours

U-Which one?

D-The one of your fight with Mrunu

U-Ohhh okay, let's do this let us leave the channel to decide whether they want to realise or not but never and I mean never agree for such an interview to take place.

D-Okay, you just calm down and prepare for the next interview.

U-Can we cancel it?

D-Noo everyone is waiting for your interview with Renil, people are excited about it

U-Ugghhh okay but this will be the last interview I will give.

D-Yes it is the last interview of the day for you, you will have other interviews tomorrow and the day after

U-O God why did I join this profession

D-Well babes now you have joined it there is no return from here. Now get ready for your next interview.


After the call was over, Unnati turned to see all her friends worried for her.

U-Guys its fine don't worry

S-No Unss how dare she talk like that, I wont spare her

Aa-Yes that host deserves to be fired

U-Guys chilll, its okay let us just forget it

T-No Unss we need to take some action

U-Tanzuu my team is taking care of it, now you guys go out while I get ready for my next interview

M-What you have another interview? when?

U-Yes i have one right now, you guys go out with Anu right now

Unnati looked at Arsh and he understood that she wants to do the interview alone.

Ar-Guys she is right lets just roam around somewhere

Ad-Yes lets go

Relectantly,  the rest also agreed to go. After they went Unnati called her team again and asked them to keep an eye on that host and also on Mrunu whom Unnati found missing since long.

She knew that when she would ask everyone to go out, Mrunu will be the first one to meet.

After doing so, Unnati went to freshenup a bit so that she is ready for her second interview.

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