Part 111

992 79 13

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After meeting Ani, Unnati decided to do some shopping. She then went to the mall where she bought everything she needed.

While Unnati was on her way back, Addy had also reached the airport.

He was waiting for his special guest to come...

Soon the flight landed and here came out Esha Shetty...

As soon as Addy saw Esha, he ran towards her and hugged her...... The two stayed in the hug for a while before they broke the hug only to hug each other again

Ad-Missed you

Es-Missed you too

Ad-So ready to go

Esha was a bit scared she was actually playing with her hands seeing her do that Addy just held her hand...

Ad-Its fine, nothing will happen

E-But what will everyone say about us?

Ad-Nothing..... look they are our friends and they deserve to know about us

E-I know but then they might not like the fact that we hid this from them

Ad-They won't......look I told them that I will tell them about my relationship when my partner is ready so this is the right time to tell them


Ad- I know you are bothered about Aashna but you know right that she can never be angry with you for long..... we just need to explain to her our point of view and she will accept it.

E-I just hope what you are saying happens

Ad-It will.... now let's go

With that, the two went to Manav's home.

On the other side, after shopping, Unnati went home. Entering home she found everyone sitting in the living room playing cards

U-Hi guys

Ev-Hello Unss

She then went and sat near Manav, turning towards him she said

U-Good morning, Em En Vee

M-Morning babes so where did you go?

U-Had some work to do so went out, What did you do till now?

Aa-Nothing.....see an Unsss these useless humans want to play cards instead of going out

R-Aashna don't call us useless

Aa-You is useless....... you are useless number one



The two were busy glaring at each other while the rest just ignored them and continued playing. In fact, Arsh took advantage of the situation and changed some of Rishu's cards.

The rest saw it but they just laughed and kept quiet.

While Aashna and Rishu were fighting with their eyes, Manav shifted closer to Unnati and whispered 

M-How was last night?

Unnati blushed at this statement and she just looked down

M-Tell na

Unnati was just blushing but then she looked at him and said,

U-The best night of my life

M-Ohhhh so why not make it the best day of your life..

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