Part 107

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Karwa Chauth part 2

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While the party went smooth there was someone who was waiting for the blast to happen. Unfortunately, for her, all that she had planned was not happening.

That person was Mrunu...

Mrunu's P.OV

I had told that idiot to hack the projector and show the pictures exactly after the pooja, where is he?

With that Mrunu tried calling her friends/someone whom she gave the duty to expose Unnati. The person was Rahul, Unnati's ex and an I.T guy.

Pick up? why is he not picking up the call? 

Mrunu was thinking about all this when she realised that she has just 30 minutes to show everyone the pictures since after 30 minutes all the guests will be leaving the house.

Let me just show everyone the pictures through my phone

Yes, that will be the right thing to do.

With that, she went towards the centre

Mr-Excuse me, everyone, can I have your attention, please

At first, all the damnfam members were annoyed with her disturbance but they still turned their attention towards her.

T-What do you want now Mrunu?

Mr-I want to show you all something

A1-Santosh who is she?

M.M-She is Manav's friend Mrunu.

Mrunu what do you want to tell everyone

Mr- Aunty i want to show you all something about Unnati

M-What do you want to show us?

Mr-something that will make you realise what a cheap girl Unnati is.

Aa-Mrunu can you stop it, why can't you leave Unnati alone?

Mr-No i cant I need to show everyone the reality of Unnati

T-Mrunu you...

U-Guys, let her show what she wants to show.... come on Mrunu show me what you want to..... show me proof about my cheapness

Mr-Yes let me show you

With that Mrunu connected her phone to the projector, she started searching for pictures but she was not lucky enough to find even one photo from her phone.

T-Mrunu do you want us to see your empty phone? where are the pictures?

Mr-They were just here...

She searched for pictures everywhere but she did not find them

Manav who was very patient about all this lost his temper and just switched off the projector

M-Enough Mrunu, why why are you hurting everyone here because of your acts.... why can't you leave me and Unnati alone

Mr-Manav trust me... i had the pictures saved on my phone.. those pictures showed Unnati with someone else.

M-With who? me? Tanzu? Sanku? who? Mrunu everyone in this place knows that Unnati is not like what you think she is?

M-Unnati is my to-be-wife and most importantly my life, you cannot just accuse her like that

Mr-Trust me Manav Unnati is a slut, she has had many affairs and who knows even now she might be cheating you with someone else

M-Enough Mrunu i told you right, Unnati is pure and she is just mine.... if she wanted to cheat me then she would not have supported me the way she does now.....

Mr-Manav cant you see how characterless she is.... looks at her now also.... look at how close she is standing with Tanzeel.... look if she was just yours then she would not be so close to the other boys like she is

Mr-She always wants attention, so you will always find her with other boys, sometimes Arsh, Addy, Rishu......You need to trust me in this, Unnati is nothing but a slut who is just using you

R-Enough Mrunu, Unnati is a friend to us just like you are..... sorry were, if Unnati hugging us like this became a slut then I am sorry to say you are a slut as well.......

T-Unnati and I are best friends Mrunu, she can hug me whenever she wants

As-Mrunu stop all this now

Mr-No Ashi,

As-Mrunu please let's go..... with that Ashi took Mrunu to their room.

While in the living room, the guests had also started gossiping about what happened here. Some spoke badly about Unnati while others were happy with the fact that their favourite Manav who rejected their daughter is engaged to someone who is so cheap

To avoid more drama, Manav's mom and aunt along with Anu dhi told the guests about the function being over. They after giving each guest a gift told them the last byes before allowing them to go.

After everyone left, the gang was alone in the living room.

R-I don't believe what Mrunu just did like seriously

T-I wont leave her

S-Same she needs to go from here and also needs to leave our lives forever.

Aa-Guys calm down

S-No i cant calm down, how I mean how can she just do something like this to Vahini

M.D-Manav if your friend had an issue with Unnati then why did she even come here? why are you still friends with her?


M.D-Manav don't lie I know that Mrunu does not like Unnati..... come one from the day you guys have come here all Mrunu is doing is hating on Unnati...... i don't want her to hurt my daughter, you need to do something about her

M-I will, Partner tell Mrunu to pack her bags she is leaving from here now.

U-What? no Manav you can't tell her that

M-What do you mean by I can't? she just wants to hurt you and separate us...... no I won't let her do this

U-Manav it is fine, let her stay here......

T-Why? why do you want her to stay here after everything she did to you?

U-Because i know that if she leaves today then she will get another season to hate me, I want to know why she is doing this to me, I want her to stay.


U-Tanzu please let her just stay.....also I don't want damnfan's to ask us about her..... i don't want to know what happened between us

Everyone thought about this and then they agreed to Unnati

Everyone then retired to their rooms, Unnati first dropped Manav's mom and dad to their room. After consoling them she went to her room.

Entering the room she saw Manav who was very quiet, she knew he was sad about all this but she knew for a fact what she needs to do to convince her Mr Em En Vee.

Closing the door she went towards him and........

So guys, what is Unnati's plan?

Did you like Mrunu's failed plan?

Where is Rahul?

Next chapter...... don't know when.....

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