Part 89

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Damnfam on their way to Punjab

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In Punjab

While the gang was close to Mohali, here we have Unnati who has no idea about everyone coming so she was just in her own zone.

Unnati was helping Manav's mom clean the house, which she found odd but when asked she was told that the reason they are cleaning the house today is because of the Karwa Chauth festival. which they will be hosting.

Unnati was done with the cleaning and she was now using her phone..She was going through some old pictures of damnfam when she remembered the last time she met everyone.

Unnati's flashback

After what she heard from Rishu and Ashi, Unnati was really hurt. She was about to faint but she gathered herself up and took a rickshaw to her house.

When she reached there, she got down when suddenly she felt her head spin and before she knew what was happening she just blacked out.

When she opened her eyes she found herself to be in the hospital.

U-Why am I here?

H-Unnss, how are you feeling now?

U-Hani, umm I am fine but what am I doing here?

H-You fainted.... we brought you here 5 hours back


H-Unnati are you fine? how did you faint so suddenly?

U-Nothing... was just not feeling well.. where is Mumma?

H-She went home.. doctor allowed only one person here..

U-Umm Hani when can we leave the hospital?

H-In a while... okay listen I have not informed your friends yet but Manav has been trying to call you so do you want me to inform him

U-No don't... anyways he will be worried.. will talk to him in a while

H-Okay so you relax let me see the discharge procedures..


While Hani went to the doctor Unnati was laughing at her fate... after years she finally gathered all the courage and made new friends she trusted them but today they feel like she is an attention seeker, she was hurt knowing that Rishu felt that she is taking away his friend.

So does that mean that she is not Rishu's friend or maybe she was just being told a lie about her being best friends to them?

She for sure knew that she needs to protect that one pure relationship she has, she knew that she loves Manav she can't let go of him, maybe now she needs to chose who is more dear and close to her damnfam or Manav.

Soon, Unnati and Hani reached home. She was greeted with a lot of love and her parents were really scared seeing their daughter so weak. Unnati was asked to sleep since she needs to be relaxed.

After her small nap, unnati was going through her phone when she saw a message from Nritya Shakti, she knew that some few months back she had got in touch with this dance school because before she starts her own academy she wants to be trained on how to handle one.

She saw the message from Shakti who asked her to meet her the day after tomorrow. Unnati was happy to get something new to do and learn.

"Maybe this is the distraction she needs" With that in mind she continued using her phone when Manav entered her room.

She was happy and delighted to see him but also scared since the thought of separation came into her mind. She was scared about how their friends are planning to separate Unnav.

The two spent a lot of time together and surprisingly Manav was unaware of what happened in the damnfam house. She knew that no one has told him anything.

The two then mutually decided that Unnati should take a rest and therefore for a few days she will not be coming to damnfam house.

Unnati was sad about the fact that she will not be using the people she is used to seeing but then she knew that she has to leave damnfam before others remove her.

Flashback Ends

"That was the last time I spoke to you," she thought looking at the picture.

She always wanted to call up someone from damnfam and talk to them about anything and everything but she knew that she was unwanted in the group and no one is interested to talk to her.

With that in mind, Unnati just began doing other work to keep herself busy.

On the other side,

Those who knew about Unnati being in Punjab, were really excited to meet her while there was someone who was really missing her best friend.

That was non-other than Aashna, she was just looking at the pictures that the two have clicked whenever they have gone to a trip together. She was literally in tears seeing those pics and seeing her cry Sanku was worried but then he knew why she was sad.

S-You are missing her a lot today

A-Yes i am... You know this is the first time after 5 years that I am going to Punjab without her... We had a deal to be together whenever we go to Punjab and now I don't really know where she is ? or how she is?

S-I know even I miss her

A-I so wish I could talk to her 

S-Try calling her now

A-I tried but could not talk to her... after all, she is hurt and she deserves to be the one ignoring us

A-You know sometimes I feel like it is my fault.. i should not have forced her to join and trust so many people at once... see where she is now... i made her be alone

S-you know that is not the truth

A-It is I ignored her when she wanted my support... she never changed but I did.... i made someone else my priority and ignored her

S-You did not do any of the things... just don't be harsh to yourself...come on cheer up I am sure when you will be in Punjab you will enjoy yourself because that is what AU do when they are out on a trip just enjoy...

A-I will try to

The two then continued with what they were doing while Aashna was praying to God that this trip to Mohali becomes a success for her and brings back all the broken bonds.

She prayed to be happy and satisfied with the people she loves...





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